Prepara Masher Flips For Easy Storage

Prepara Flip Masher

Kitchen clutter has a way of getting into everything. From food products that get shuffled to the back of the pantry, to countertops populated with gadgets and gizmos, kitchens everywhere suffer from the ever-burning question of where to store it all.

The Prepara Flip Masher won’t clean out the junk drawer for you, but it can at least be made thin enough to slide into it. With a mashing head that rotates 90 degrees when the sides are pressed in, the utensil transforms from a bulky, odd-shaped kitchen tool, to one that is easily stored. Sometimes it’s the small victories that count, and at a cost of $19.95, this one has a price to match.

Two Garlic-Shaped Garlic Keepers (And A Garlic Chopper Too)

Garlic Keeper - Terracotta by MSC International

Garlic is a finicky thing. Some may say that even a little is too much, while others say that there can be no such thing as too much of good thing. Whether you like, love or hate garlic, its pungency isn’t the only aspect that requires a little attention: Where the heck are you supposed to store the stuff?

In the cupboard? In the fridge? On the counter? In a hanging basket with other fruits and vegetables, shedding garlic paper and imparting its essence to everything it touches?

Continue reading Two Garlic-Shaped Garlic Keepers (And A Garlic Chopper Too)

Better Building Of Measuring Spoons

Foldable Measuring Spoons at Sur La Table

Measuring spoons. Handy little devices–when you can find the one you are looking for. Even the ones that come attached to a plastic ring tend to get separated and subsequently lost. Forget building a better mousetrap, at least when it comes to baking essentials, it’s all about corralling those measuring spoons.

This set of Foldable Measuring Spoons at Sur La Table would do nicely. Including four of the more commonly used measurements of ¼ tsp., ½ tsp., 1 tsp. and 1 Tbsp, the one you are looking for is always at hand. Assuming, of course, you don’t misplace the entire set. For $3.95, maybe picking up an extra set isn’t a bad idea.

***UPDATE 5/12/2014***

Looks like the folding measuring spoons from the link above got lost. Luckily that isn’t the only place to get measuring spoons that don’t wander off. Check out the Talisman Designs Flip’n Good Measuring Spoon available on Amazon in a variety of colors.

Talisman Designs Flip'n Good Measuring Spoon

Off to the Side of the Kitchen Sink

Simplehuman Sink Caddy, KT1116

Sponges are notoriously slippery. No matter where I set them down, they never seem to stay put. I set ’em on the side of the kitchen sink, and they end up in the basin. I set ’em on the edge, and they end up on the floor. I set ’em up by the faucet, and they end up… well, I don’t know where they go; sponges also have a propensity to simply disappear.

When trying to rein in wayward cleaning accessories, it’s probably best to actually rein them in; put them in a kitchen sink jail, as it were. This Simplehuman Sink Caddy would do nicely. Featuring four suction cups and a wire ledge hanger to keep it secure, the kitchen sink caddy stores a couple of sponges (separated by a divider) and a scrubber brush, all safely tucked away off to the side of the kitchen sink.

Herbs stand up to be counted

Cuisipro Herb Keeper

Buying fresh herbs can get expensive rather quickly, but when it comes to freshness of flavor, there really is no compromise. Growing your own herbs is a great way to maximize savings, but if you lack a green thumb (or don’t lack overzealous cats), getting the little sproutlings to grow up nice and tasty can be a difficulty. Any way you harvest your herbs (at the store or in the garden), you are going to need a way to store them.

Continue reading Herbs stand up to be counted

Lurking leftovers lurk no more

Swing Out Fridge Tray

We are in the eye of the leftover hurricane right now. With the turkey and cranberries finally absent from the dark recesses of the fridge, suspect foods in various states of freshness have finally become a thing of the past. But then, just when you thought it was safe to go back into the fridge, along comes more feasting.

The Swing Out Fridge Tray exposes those dark corners and does indeed make it safe again for the midnight munchies. With a revolving disc that slides out away from the base, the fridge tray gives easy access to whatever may be lurking in the back of the fridge. Employ this handy kitchen gadget and you’ll save yourself from any plastic-wrap or tinfoil surprises that may be uncovered some time in late January.