The kitchen counter is used for many things. Sure, cooking and prep work occurs there on a daily basis, but it also becomes a platform for other things. No, not various kitchen tasks like emptying out the junk drawer or putting things in jars (both noble pursuits). The kitchen counter happens to be a great… Continue reading Pizza Box Oven For Delivery On The Kitchen Counter
Tag: junk drawer
Chef’n FreshForce Orange Juicer
Rooting around the kitchen junk drawer looking for the wrong tool for the right job is a habit that isn’t too difficult to break; hearing “don’t force it” can eventually sink the message home. Especially when “forcing it” results in a few too many messy situations. Staring at the lemon and lime squeezer one too… Continue reading Chef’n FreshForce Orange Juicer
Click ‘n Cook Modular Spatula
Having the right tool for the job is an essential aspect of cooking. One look in most any kitchen drawer will confirm as much; they are often cluttered with a horde of cooking implements. One option for keeping long-handled pieces out where they can be easily reached is the old-fashioned crock jar. For some, that… Continue reading Click ‘n Cook Modular Spatula
Prepara Masher Flips For Easy Storage
Kitchen clutter has a way of getting into everything. From food products that get shuffled to the back of the pantry, to countertops populated with gadgets and gizmos, kitchens everywhere suffer from the ever-burning question of where to store it all. The Prepara Flip Masher won’t clean out the junk drawer for you, but it… Continue reading Prepara Masher Flips For Easy Storage
Better Building Of Measuring Spoons
Measuring spoons. Handy little devices–when you can find the one you are looking for. Even the ones that come attached to a plastic ring tend to get separated and subsequently lost. Forget building a better mousetrap, at least when it comes to baking essentials, it’s all about corralling those measuring spoons. This set of Foldable… Continue reading Better Building Of Measuring Spoons
Grate and slice with a mandoline
Kitchen gadgets are easy to accumulate: they are fun, encourage you to cook and make excellent gifts. One measure as to the usefulness of any kitchen gadget is how many degrees separate it from being a unitasker. Any device meant to do one thing is just going to end up cluttering up the junk drawer.… Continue reading Grate and slice with a mandoline