When Pizza’s On A Stovetop…

Pizzacraft PC0601 Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven

…you can have pizza any time!

The Pizzacraft Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven is waiting for you. That’s important, because we’re talking about pizza here. Nobody wants to wait for pizza. But it’s not like the microwave is a good option. Well good news for those with a gas stovetop.

The stovetop pizza oven settles in over a gas burner and kicks up home pizza baking to a new level. Like 100 degrees hotter than hot. Yes, this device gets hotter than your conventional oven.

You know what that means: fast cooking pizza with a nice charred crust and hot melty toppings. The Companion Group is behind this pizza gadget and the claim is that it reaches temperatures of 600 degrees F. So far, the reviews on Amazon seem to be in agreement. But I wonder how it does with bagels…

YouCopia Adjustable Rack Organizes Your Cravings

YouCopia StoreMore Adjustable Bakeware Rack

You want to cook something to eat — something special that only you can make — but you don’t want to open the kitchen cabinet. You know what will happen: dozens of pots, pans, lids and trays will fall clattering to the ground. And then they’ll be all dirty instead of full of delicious muffins, pizzas and brownies.

The YouCopia StoreMore Adjustable Bakeware Rack cleans up the mess before it becomes a mess. The adjustable cookware rack organizes all the different everyday baking pieces thanks to adjustable dividers. From deep dishes to thin sheet pans, the rack can be made to accommodate. So when it comes time to bake your specialty, say like brownie pizza (Mmmm… brownie pizza), that precise pan is always within reach.

Edible Shot Glass Silicone Mold Makes Cookie Shots

Edible Shot Glass Silicone Mold Make Cookie Shots, Chocolate Shots, Ice Shots, Jello Shots, Mojito Shots. BPA Free & FDA Approved. Dishwasher and Oven Safe

Long day at the playground? Why not kick back and relax with an edible shot glass? Fill with cookie dough, pop the Edible Shot Glass Silicone Mold in the oven and viola! Edible cookie shots. And then after the cookie shots are made, fill with water and pop into the freezer for grown-up shots. Pop em out, fill the little tike’s glass with milk, yours with booze and enjoy*. Who said bonding with children was difficult?

*This is a joke, BTKS does not recommend boozing it up**, especially with your kids.

**This is a joke, BTKS totally recommends boozing it up*** in general.

***On occasion.

Top Cookie Edible Medals

Fred and Friends Top Cookie Cutters edible medals

Anybody can be a chomp with these Fred and Friends Top Cookie Cutters. The edible medals come three to a package and even include the ribbons (which are washable). Just roll out the dough, stamp the cookies, cut ’em and bake ’em. The results are three medals that say “Super,” “1” and “Champ.” Or, you could bake a new cookie each day to make sure you will always be chompion of the world!

Fred and Friends Top Cookie Cutters edible medals

Lekue Silicone Waffle Baker Mold Is Not A Monster

Lekue Silicone Waffle Baker Mold

Behold the amazing half-waffle, half-not-waffle thing!

There are two sides to every story, and now, there are finally two sides to a waffle. For all of eternity, waffles were created by pouring batter into a waffle iron. The lid would close and out would come a perfectly formed waffle with pockets on either side. The mad scientists at Lékué see things differently.

The Lekue Silicone Waffle Baker Mold is a silicone mold that is used to bake waffles in the oven. Pour batter in and bake. The result is like something out of a half baked monster movie. Except there’s nothing half-baked about this waffle maker baker. Half waffles maybe, but not half-baked.

Even Frankenstein’s monster was misunderstood. Perhaps in time, people will come to accept these weird waffles that only have pockets on one side. Until that far off sci-fi future date, we will have to learn how to live in this brave, new world of one-sided waffles.

Or just flip the waffles over since pockets are only useful on one side anyway.

Up Up And Steam Away

Ipow 12" Stainless Steel Folding Vegetable Food Fruit Steamer Basket with Stand

Healthy eating can take you to new heights. Little known fact: veggies also happen to be the secret to UFO propulsion.

For proof, observe the folding steamer basket insert shown above. When opened and the veggies are released, the device shoots through the air.

Of course, when the disc-shaped object opens, all the passengers will go flying out, so perhaps this conspiracy theory will require a little work. Good thing it’s the weekend. (Just in time too, considering this post!) TGIF!