Talking Spatula Flips Burgers — Hilarity Ensues

Comedy and hamburgers just go together. Wait. No they don’t. Burgers are serious business. Just ask Wimpy and his perpetual need to pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today (assuming it is not actually Tuesday, of course). When it is burger time, it is burger time; no fooling around. Unless, of course, you have the… Continue reading Talking Spatula Flips Burgers — Hilarity Ensues

Stand Up Sandwiches With Cute Animal Bread Cutter

Do your sandwich making skills stand up to your child’s scrutiny? Well, if not, make them stand up. No, not the kids; the sandwich! These Cute Animal Sandwich Cutter Bread And Toast Stamps create an animal impression on sliced bread. The set includes three stamps (Panda, Frog and Bear) and include a special cut so… Continue reading Stand Up Sandwiches With Cute Animal Bread Cutter

Easter Mustache Egg Decal Tattoos

There are certain things one associates with Easter. The Easter Bunny obviously. And of course, eggs. And now, mustaches. Because mustache. That’s why. Proving that is never too early to grow a ‘stache, Williams Sonoma is giving the world Easter Mustache Tattoos just in time for… well, just in time for any time honestly. The… Continue reading Easter Mustache Egg Decal Tattoos