In the very near future, hams, turkeys and roasts across the land will be broiled, braised and baked to perfection. From oven to table, the wafting scent of dinner will cause family and friends to gather ‘round in eager excitement. And then you cut into it, ravaging the poor beast into disrespectful clumps. Enthusiastic smiles… Continue reading Be nice: slice precise
Tag: slicer
Easy slices, easy wedges
Knife work can be tedious and dull, especially if your skills are a bit rusty. Even if you are sharp with a knife, chances are you could stand to hone your skills a bit more. Creating perfectly even slices and wedges takes machine precision that most home cooks simply don’t have. However, the Progressive Tower… Continue reading Easy slices, easy wedges
This apple slicer makes house calls
Considering that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, it’s a good thing this apple slicer picks up the phone. The Dial-A-Slice Apple Slicer cores and slices in one simple motion. A twist of the base dials in how many blades are used, creating either eight or sixteen perfectly proportioned wedges. While the state… Continue reading This apple slicer makes house calls
When life gives you lemons, make lemon wedges
Sure, you could do as the old saying suggests and make lemonade, but why stop there? Lemon wedges are totally the way to go. Besides being convenient and versatile, they have the added benefit of being a delicious ingredient in many an adult beverage. Save the lemonade for the kiddies, and give life a kick… Continue reading When life gives you lemons, make lemon wedges
Grate and slice with a mandoline
Kitchen gadgets are easy to accumulate: they are fun, encourage you to cook and make excellent gifts. One measure as to the usefulness of any kitchen gadget is how many degrees separate it from being a unitasker. Any device meant to do one thing is just going to end up cluttering up the junk drawer.… Continue reading Grate and slice with a mandoline
Slice whatever you want with this multi-purpose slicer
Now this is refreshing; a kitchen gadget that isn’t overly specialized. While I may have no need in my kitchen for a dedicated avocado slicer, I certainly could find a use for this Norpro Multi-Purpose Slicer. After all, that’s what it’s designed to do: slice multiple things. This gadget slices everything from mushrooms to radishes,… Continue reading Slice whatever you want with this multi-purpose slicer