Folding Pizza Wheel Says Two Hands Better Than One

Leverage is an important aspect of pizza. It can be defined as: The power to influence a person or situation to achieve a particular outcome. This means in pizza language being the one who gets to choose the toppings! However as far as the Progressive Folding Pizza Wheel is concerned, the definition probably means: The… Continue reading Folding Pizza Wheel Says Two Hands Better Than One

A Whisk That Mashes And Mixes

Every day kitchen gadgets get pressed into service for tasks that they have no business performing. However, as seemingly a good idea that it may be to stretch the utility of any particular kitchen tool, more often than not the results are underwhelming—and then the tool that was meant to be used gets up being… Continue reading A Whisk That Mashes And Mixes

Slice Thin, Slice Quick, Store Folded

Kitchen gadgets that offer quick and reliable usage are practically indispensable. When it comes to prep work, slicing is usually best handled by a knife. That is, unless the desired result is super thin slices—the kind a mandoline can easily provide. There’s nothing fancy about the Progressive International HGT-11 Folding Mandoline Slicer. For less than… Continue reading Slice Thin, Slice Quick, Store Folded