Hot Chocolate Made The Old School Way

From Wikipedia: A Molinillo is a traditional Mexican turned wood whisk. Its use is principally for the preparation of hot beverages such as hot chocolate, atole and champurrado. The molinillo is held between the palms and rotated by rubbing the palms together, this rotation creates the froth in the drink. This process is the subject… Continue reading Hot Chocolate Made The Old School Way

Shine A Light On Wine Grapes

For thirty bucks, it’s doubtful that those grapes are made of glass, but wouldn’t it be cool if they were? Actually, this Grapevine Desk And Table Touch Lamp is still kinda cool. And besides, after drinking a few glasses of wine, you won’t have to worry so much about knocking it over.

Mix Up That Sausage And Cheese Gift Box

You know the one. Hickory something or the other. Terrible sausages stuffed into a gift pack. So tempting, yet rarely satisfying. The Hunters Reserve Wild Game Sausage and Cheese Gift Box may or may not hit the spot, but at least your intended giftee won’t try to foist it upon someone else. Although, since it… Continue reading Mix Up That Sausage And Cheese Gift Box

Portable Grill With Case (For Storage It Would Seem)

Lugging a grill to the park, beach or game requires effort–effort well worth it, but effort nonetheless. As this is a well-known fact, options exist for easy grill transport. The Picnic Time Caliente Portable BBQ Grill and Cooler is a simple little contraption designed to facilitate in getting the grill from here to there. Or,… Continue reading Portable Grill With Case (For Storage It Would Seem)

One Egg At A Time

Sometimes all you want is one egg. Even the fast food joints haven’t (yet…?) invented the Double Egg McMuffin. There’s a reason Mother Nature made the egg a perfectly reasonable single sized serving. I don’t know what that reason would be as you can’t really make an omelet out of just one egg, but so… Continue reading One Egg At A Time

Click ‘n Cook Modular Spatula

Having the right tool for the job is an essential aspect of cooking. One look in most any kitchen drawer will confirm as much; they are often cluttered with a horde of cooking implements. One option for keeping long-handled pieces out where they can be easily reached is the old-fashioned crock jar. For some, that… Continue reading Click ‘n Cook Modular Spatula