Crushed Garlic, Sliced Garlic, One Tool

Garlic Press & Slicer

I like crushed garlic; I also like crushing garlic. Take a big ol’ knife, place its broadside over a clove of garlic, and whack! There is no easier way to separate garlic from garlic paper. Certainly no way is more fun. Alas, not all garlic applications call for crushed garlic; sometimes sliced garlic is what you need. And slicing garlic is no fun.

The Garlic Press & Slicer solves all that. Combining a garlic crusher with a garlic slicer, the simple-to-use handheld kitchen gadget makes garlic-slicing a breeze. (Or garlic-crushing, I suppose, if the garlic-whacking knife is dirty.) Creating eight 1/16-inch slices of garlic at a time, the press also comes with a cleaning attachment and dishwasher safe construction—which may be the most fun of all.

Mini Alligator Makes Mincemeat (Not Out Of You)

Mini Alligator

Alligators have teeth. Lots of teeth. About eighty as a matter of fact. That’s more teeth than I care to think about, especially as far as alligators are concerned. One would think exchanging those teeth for stainless steel blades would only create an even more terrifying creature, but at least in the case of this alligator, that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Because this little prep gadget is cute.

Instead of teeth, the Mini Alligator features rows of mince-making stainless steel cutting blades. Snapping down like the mouth of an alligator, the kitchen gadget cuts small items like garlic, olives, radishes and shallots into 1/8-inch long sticks. For a fine dice, just take those sticks and give them another run-through, making sure to turn them 180 degrees before snapping down the handle. Certainly a lot more friendly than the carnivore variety — and one whose alligator smile I can actually trust.

***UPDATE 1/7/2025: So garlic and alligators are apparently a thing. The garlic press above is no longer available, but check this Garligator out. Now there’s a cute design you can really sink your teeth into!

OTOTO Garligator Garlic Press - Garlic Mincer Tool - Funny Gifts - Alligator Garlic Press - Garlic Crusher Press with Ergonomic Handle

Capturing the Cooking Storm (Or at Least Some of the Prep Work)

Oneida 7pc Mandolin Slicing Bowl

Kitchen life is messy. There is good reason, after all, that ‘cooking up a storm’ evolved into an expression. If you prefer to keep your tempest in a teapot, you’re going to need a teapot… or in this case, a bowl.

The Oneida 7pc Mandolin Slicing Bowl comes with four slicing blades and a 1-quart stainless steel bowl. The combination of a mandoline slicer with a bowl makes for a convenient and efficient prep tool. Simply snap the lid over the bowl and slice away. The results are captured in the bowl for easy transport or storage. Currently priced at $19.99, the prepping gadget is one kitchen item that is as affordable as an umbrella–not that you’d need rain gear in the kitchen or anything.

Any way you slice it, egg gadget can’t be beat

Egg Slicer & Wedger

Indecisive? Or perhaps you’re always reaching for the slicer when you really wanted the wedger. Well, well, well, this is the product for you. The Egg Slicer & Wedger provides double barreled egg preparation all in one convenient gadget. No matter if you prefer your salads garnished with egg slices or with the clearly superior egg wedge, this all-in-one makes quick work of the hard-boiled incredible edibles. Especially useful for those rare times when only slices and wedges will do.

Slicing (garlic) without jail time

Garlic Slicer

You know that scene in Goodfellas when they are in jail? And whatshisname is slicing garlic so thin that it melts in your mouth? That has always appealed to me. (The garlic, not the jail time.) While I may have picked up a few cooking tips from Martin Scorsese films, generally I still crush garlic. There may be a ton of garlic crushers or mincers out on the market, but I still usually prefer to simply whack it with a knife. (The broadside of a knife, that is.)

For those that desire thinly sliced garlic without doing time, the Garlic Slicer may be the answer. Made of 18/10 stainless-steel, the handheld gadget delivers three uniform slices of garlic with a simple twist of the wrist. It holds up to two cloves at a time, and the remainder can simply be stored in the fridge for later use… with no need to bribe anyone in order to go on a garlic run.

***UPDATE 1/11/13*** The link above no longer works, so check out the new one below, but beware: unlike Goodfellas, the reviews aren’t so hot!

Kuchenprofi Primus Twist-Top Garlic Slicer in 18/10 Stainless Steel

Mince N’ Slice makes it nice

Progressive Mince N' Slice

Need a quick julienne? The Mince N’ Slice by Progressive makes it easy. No need to lug out the heavy equipment for simple chores, the handheld kitchen gadget is a quick and easy way to get the job done. With more consistent results than a knife, the contraption catches the cuts in an included tray, conveniently allowing the results to be added to a salad or other presentation-dependent dishes. Even if you aren’t concerned with a need to pretty up your lunch, the easy to use gadget makes getting to the good stuff (the eating, of course) just that much easier.