What Is It?

Hint: The incredible, inedible part of the egg is not all there.

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Easter Mustache Egg Decal Tattoos

There are certain things one associates with Easter. The Easter Bunny obviously. And of course, eggs. And now, mustaches. Because mustache. That’s why. Proving that is never too early to grow a ‘stache, Williams Sonoma is giving the world Easter Mustache Tattoos just in time for… well, just in time for any time honestly. The… Continue reading Easter Mustache Egg Decal Tattoos

Egg Run Holder

Did you know that eggs come from chickens (mostly) and not just cardboard packaging? Yeah, me neither. But apparently, those little devils are laid and then collected, eventually coming to market. And here all this time I thought they were produced in the Cadbury factory!

Chicken Feet Egg Cup

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side, of course. Or, if the Chicken Feet Egg Cup with Yellow Feet is involved, the answer is because the chicken couldn’t see where it was going! (Or for that matter, that its feet were duck feet.)