You don’t always know what you’re going to get when you bite into a hamburger. Other than the fact that they can be rare, medium or well-done, burgers can be made out of many different basic ingredients, from the traditional beef, to healthier alternatives like turkey or even grains. However you like your burger, chances are it’s not as sweet as this one.
Category: Novelty
You’re Not Getting Up Off The Couch Anyways, So Here’s A TV Remote Bottle Opener

Of all the things that get misplaced, bottle openers, keys and remote controls tend to top the list. It seems only natural then that a bottle opener would get attached to a remote control. (The keys are a different story, but with a bottle opener and remote in hand, you’re not going anywhere anyways.)
Continue reading You’re Not Getting Up Off The Couch Anyways, So Here’s A TV Remote Bottle OpenerCoffee Meant To Whif, Not Sip
There’s nothing more relaxing that sitting back, slowly sipping on a nice espresso. Or rather, whiffing, not sipping, as some may have it. Le Whif, makers of the chocolate inhaler, now have a coffee inhaler to offer as a complement.
Each Le Whif Coffee stick contains 100 milligrams of caffeine, about as much as a single serve espresso—although it seems it would take nine hits to reach that mark. At about $3 per stick, the price is comparable enough, but something tells me cafés aren’t going to be replaced anytime soon. Or for that matter–since we’re talking about inhalable chocolate and coffee–chocolate covered espresso beans.
(Via Boing Boing and the NY Post)
Now You Too Can Crack Eggs With EZ Cracker!
That’s right! Tired of being left out while all your friends are happily cracking eggs? Well no longer! Now you, yes you, can finally harness the awesome power of the EZ Cracker. Simply place an egg in the device, and like a magic wand, it cracks the egg for you, with only a push of a button. Your friends will be amazed! Your enemies will tremble before you! Omelettes are in your future! Despite the name, works with both white and brown eggs!
Continue reading Now You Too Can Crack Eggs With EZ Cracker!
Eat By Numbers

I have about as much patience for place settings as I do for utensil drawer dividers. Granted, it’s a lot easier to just reach for a fork or a butter knife when you know where it is, but I’m still going to just toss freshly-cleaned utensils into the drawer and let them fall where they may. Same goes for place settings: instead of following a prescribed pattern, utensils on my table fall naturally to where they are most beneficial.
Continue reading Eat By NumbersSushi Rice Now With More Fun
Plain white rice can be so… plain. While that can be good for everything from digestion to how awesome it works with practically any other ingredient, it’s how it’s served that could use a little sprucing up. Especially when we’re talking about exceedingly cute hearts, stars and bears.
The Inomata Sushi Mold Rice Ball Maker transforms everyday boring sushi into exciting fun-shaped sushi you can play with. Place rice into the mold, cover, press and then push it out—your fish won’t know what hit it. Although that salmon nigiri might have an inkling when it sees that bear coming at it.