Chill Your Zombies On The Go: Portable Mini-Fridge

Everybody seems to like the ‘Walking Dead’ television show (except when they kill off the ‘wrong’ characters), even appliance product descriptions like this portable mini-fridge. Of course, it doesn’t say anything about zombies, but I think we all know. Judge for yourself from this product description: goFridge Mini Fridge Portable Electric Cooler Both 110v Wall… Continue reading Chill Your Zombies On The Go: Portable Mini-Fridge

Go Team!

Happy big game day! Not only is it the Super Bowl of football (and television commercials), but it is also the Super Bowl of the snack food! Best (and worst) food day since Thanksgiving. If you’re hosting a Super Bowl party, be sure to have both teams represented on the living room table. Whether you… Continue reading Go Team!

Pollos Hermanos Fry Batter Bucket

Fancy yourself a collector of odd food-related paraphernalia? The uber popular television show, Breaking Bad (“The best thing on television ever except maybe for The Wire” –Everybody), has wrapped and they are selling off some of the props. Yes, you can bid on Walter White’s Briefs but why would you want to? Perhaps instead, consider… Continue reading Pollos Hermanos Fry Batter Bucket

Doctor Who Tardis Lunch Box Packs A Big Lunch

By some wonderful quirk of quantum televisionary, the Tardis from Doctor Who happens to be bigger on the inside than its outside should allow. Sounds like whatever technology that powers the time-traveling space ship has something in common with appetites. Say, like when your eyes are bigger than your stomach. The Doctor Who Limited Edition… Continue reading Doctor Who Tardis Lunch Box Packs A Big Lunch

…To Boldly Go Where No Spice Has Gone Before

Trekkies, rumor has it, are an obsessive bunch. So too, perhaps, are the salt-spillers of the world. Clearly then, there can be only one solution for the Trekkie who feels the need to toss a pinch of salt over their left shoulder after knocking over the shaker. Westland Giftware Star Trek Command Insignia Salt and… Continue reading …To Boldly Go Where No Spice Has Gone Before