It’s baseball season, which in turn means hot dog season has officially begun. However, hot dogs spinning eternally on stainless-steel rollers are only but one way to welcome in the new season. It’s time for the grill to come out of hibernation, and a good idea might be to step up your grilling game while you’re at it. A simple way is to do it with smoke.
The Steven Raichlen Double-V Smoker Box gives grillers the ability to add complex flavors by imparting foods with not only smoke, but also liquids. The double box construction allows for wood chips to be added to gas or charcoal grills, while the lower compartment is designed for adding juice, beer, wine or other flavored beverages. The traditional snap of a hot dog that accompanies the sound of baseball being smacked across the infield hasn’t usually included a palate-pleasing aftertaste of merlot or chardonnay, but hey, there’s always this year.