A Square Placemat For A Round Table

Round Table Neoprene Placemats

You would think that not a lot of thought goes into placemats; they basically are just crumb catchers designed to mask sloppy eating habits, right? Other than the actual design that is printed upon them, you would be right to conclude that there isn’t much to them. Which is why the darn things are always, always rectangular.

For those that find themselves with a round table in their lives, they wish that a little thought would go into placemat design. They can bring ice cream to the moon, but they can’t bring a proper placemat to the table, these round-tablers might think. Unless they found themselves a set of these Round Table Neoprene Placemats. Cut to fit round tables, these placemats fit squarely flush against the edge of round tables just like a good placemat should. Good news for those who are tired of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole–or just the round table sloppy eaters who happen to need every inch of coverage.

Eat By Numbers

Placesetting Placemat Donkey Products

I have about as much patience for place settings as I do for utensil drawer dividers. Granted, it’s a lot easier to just reach for a fork or a butter knife when you know where it is, but I’m still going to just toss freshly-cleaned utensils into the drawer and let them fall where they may. Same goes for place settings: instead of following a prescribed pattern, utensils on my table fall naturally to where they are most beneficial.

Continue reading Eat By Numbers

LED Placemats can’t hold a candle to… well, a candle

Sylvania LED Placemat

Oh, the lowly placemat. It sits underneath our plates, garnering none of the attention reserved for the attention hog that is our dinner plate. (Even more so if actual hog is involved). Whatever pork dish you may prefer, it will have to share in the limelight if you are using these LED Placemats from Sylvania.

Operating on a button cell and offering up to 20 hours of battery life, the placemats twinkle and shine, gently illuminating your meal. As romantic as glimmering novelty placemats may be, I don’t think candle makers have anything to worry about quite yet.

(Via Oh Gizmo)

No dessert until you finish your rocks

Laminate Rocks Placemat

I’m not quite sure why this Laminate Rocks Placemat appeals to me. I guess it could be some sort of primeval instinct that makes me imagine that these river rocks could be a place setting for a delicious grilled salmon or other similar catch. Maybe it’s just the changing of the seasons, and like so many others, I start looking forward to future weekend getaways.

If you’re hunkering to get back to nature, but the daily grind is keeping you city-bound, the next best thing might just be to bring nature to you. This sweet vaguely 70’s looking placemat might not completely satisfy that craving, but it sure would look nice holding up a salmon bagel.

Also available in Grass and Palm.