Leave A Shopping Memo Like You Mean It

Green House Digital Video Memo

When shopping for sundries, it’s easy to grab the wrong thing. As soon as we walk into the supermarket our eyes are assaulted with a mind-boggling assortment of food products all screaming for our attention (and wallet). So, we grab what looks good, slide our money cards and go happily on our way–until we get home and realize that the grocery bags are filled with Sugar Free this and Slim Crisp that and Reduced Fat the other thing.

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Spring Has Sprung, Time For Ice Cream

Cuisinart Classic Frozen Yogurt, Ice Cream & Sorbet Makers

It has been hot in California this week… ice cream weather! Time to break out the ice cream machines. It seems as if it were only yesterday that every day was a rainy day. (Not that there’s anything wrong with ice cream in the rain.) Taking a bright and colorful approach, like the weekend outlook ahead, the Cuisinart Classic Frozen Yogurt, Ice Cream & Sorbet Makers offer easy accessibility to homemade frozen treats.

The automatic maker requires no chemicals, salt or ice while the double-insulated removable freezer bowl helps to whip up a 1.5-quart batch of your favorite flavor within minutes — good news for those caught off guard by the warm weather. As for areas with weather still stuck in the ice age? Best to plan ahead, as spring has sprung. (Or is at least in the process of springing!)

On sale right now for $49.95.

Now You Too Can Crack Eggs With EZ Cracker!


That’s right! Tired of being left out while all your friends are happily cracking eggs? Well no longer! Now you, yes you, can finally harness the awesome power of the EZ Cracker. Simply place an egg in the device, and like a magic wand, it cracks the egg for you, with only a push of a button. Your friends will be amazed! Your enemies will tremble before you! Omelettes are in your future! Despite the name, works with both white and brown eggs!

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Sushi Rice Now With More Fun

Inomata Sushi Mold Rice Ball Maker

Plain white rice can be so… plain. While that can be good for everything from digestion to how awesome it works with practically any other ingredient, it’s how it’s served that could use a little sprucing up. Especially when we’re talking about exceedingly cute hearts, stars and bears.

The Inomata Sushi Mold Rice Ball Maker transforms everyday boring sushi into exciting fun-shaped sushi you can play with. Place rice into the mold, cover, press and then push it out—your fish won’t know what hit it. Although that salmon nigiri might have an inkling when it sees that bear coming at it.

All-in-1 Chair Lags Behind In Design

All-in-1 Chair and Foldable Cooler Tub

I see no flaws with having a portable cooler that does double duty as a chair: you can take it with you everywhere you go. Filled with ice during the hot summer months there would be no better way to fly (or sit). I do however see one major flaw with the All-in-1 Chair.

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When Ice Cream Is On A Waffle…

The Smart Planet Original Waffle Cone Factory

When is a waffle maker not a waffle maker? When it’s a waffle cone maker. The Smart Planet Original Waffle Cone Factory produces thin waffles that are perfect for rolling up into cones (a cone-form is included). Similar to how pizza on a bagel magically allows for pizza to be eaten anytime, ice cream on a waffle means you can eat ice cream anytime. (Or would it be waffles anytime? Either way it is win/win.)

If you find it hard to justify owning a waffle maker that only produces waffle cones, just consider that it could also be used to make waffles for ice cream sandwiches See? Not a unitasker!