Tongues Not Afraid Of This Steel Popsicle Mold

Ice, tongues and metal don’t usually mix, but that’s just not the case with the Onyx Stainless Steel Popsicle Mold. Far from being a recipe for disaster, the setup produces a six-pack of ice pops in custom flavors, guaranteeing a result of delightful frozen treats—just be sure to remove the pop first, okay?

Herb Mill Stores Right In The Freezer

Fresh herbs, while delicious, are often quite a hassle to deal with: at the store they can be expensive, while growing your own can be tricky. However, cooking just wouldn’t be the same without them. So, we suffer the price tag or attempt to grow a green thumb, and when our efforts are rewarded with… Continue reading Herb Mill Stores Right In The Freezer

Big Ice For Big Drinks

There’s no reason disrespect a tall glass filled with a refreshing beverage by adding just any ordinary ice cube. At least not when it’s this easy to super-size it. The Tovolo King Cube Extra Large Silicone Ice Cube Tray produces extra-large ice cubes perfect for honoring your favorite beverage. The large two-inch receptacles are great… Continue reading Big Ice For Big Drinks

Never be without a burger–Patty Paper for a penny

Buying ground beef in bulk is a sure-fire way to stretch your burger dollars. Best of all, when you make burgers at home, you get them exactly the way you like them. Just try getting finely chopped onions mixed into any fast-food burger. Like a splash of Worcestershire sauce to round out the flavor? Forget… Continue reading Never be without a burger–Patty Paper for a penny

Save your family with these freezer bags!

“New revolutionary freezer bags allow you to monitor the freshness, safety and quality of your food.” Don’t Fah-Get Freezer Bags go beyond that of a normal freezer bag… oh, no never mind, they don’t. They’re pretty much just freezer bags with a space to write on. Useful? Sure. But “revolutionary”? Come on. Also see: Don’t… Continue reading Save your family with these freezer bags!