Hot dogs are famous for having the capability to be perfectly customized to suit individual tastes. Just think of all the add-ons they have: mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut, pickles, mayo, peppers, bacon, chili, more bacon, cheese, catsup, hot sauce, tomato, onion, relish… the list of hot dog toppings goes on and on. However, there is one aspect of the tubular treat that is often overlooked: the bun.
The Steemee Wonder, the multicooker with a lyrical name, is a quick and easy hot dog making contraption. Unlike other hot dog gadgets, this one has no bells and whistles, no fancy colors and works just like regular cookware. In the world of hot dogs, this would be the plain, no topping version. And that’s okay. Even if it is “As Seen On TV.”

Despite the marketing, this seems pretty legit. Just look at that product title from Amazon:
NO CHEAP RED PLASTIC! 100% Stainless Steel FAST & Tasty! Steam up to 12 Perfect BallPark Hotdogs in 6 Minutes! “When You Gotta Have a Hot Dog Fast!………………….. “You Gotta Have a Steemee Wonder!” The Amazing Multi Cooker Steemee Wonder(tm) 100% Stainless Steel! BallPark Hot Dog Steamer That Can’t Be Topped! Totally Portable(Includes Carrying Bag)! Great for Home SuperBowl Parties/Tailgating! As Seen on TV!……ORDER NOW!
That’s a lot of words! The takeaway though is that it is basically a cooking pot with two steaming inserts and a lid. Boil the hot dogs, steam the buns, and you’re good to go. It’s hard to tell the quality of the stainless steel, but the concept is there.
Yes, you can achieve almost the same result by using a steamer insert with a properly sized cooking pot, but if you do not have said pot and insert, then this might be a solution. It’s a bit pricey of a solution (watch out for that shipping cost), but it is an all-in-one hot dog cooking solution nonetheless. Regardless, after having too many delicious hot dogs with perfectly steamed buns, you can steam up a nice pot of healthy veggies!