Batman’s Booze: None For Affleck?

Batman HIP Flask Stainless Steel 8oz FW2 by Master Price

Not one, but two online petitions arose out of Warner Brother’s recent announcement that Ben Affleck would be playing Batman in an upcoming movie. This was after the White House petition was taken down. Dang, and you thought Michael Keaton was bad.

Anyway, Batman fans have had a rough go of it lately, so here is a Batman Flask to get you through the dark times ahead. Just think it could be worse: they could bring back Beetlejuice to star in the role.

Beetlejuice Miley Cyrus
Winona is aghast.
[Photoshop credit:? (I’d love to give credit for this Beetlejuice Miley Cyrus mashup, but it’s been passed around so much I don’t know where the original design came from.)]

Start Your Own Carny Cart For $169.99

10w Stainless Steel Automatic Food Slicer Cutter Twister Machine

There is one thing that every food stall in every carnival or fair must provide: fried food. Once this understanding has been understood, the next step is to decide what to fry. Naturally, potatoes come to mind for having a good ratio of deliciousness to cheapness. But still, one needs to put a spin on things to stand out.

The 10w Stainless Steel Automatic Food Slicer Cutter Twister Machine is exactly what the carny ordered.

For the low, low price of $169.99 you too can be making tornado potatoes from the comfort of your very own food stall. Or perhaps even the home, it being time for back to school and all — which in that case this little rotary cutter is a double bonus! Use during the school year might not provide the healthiest options (oh, just put an apple in there or something), but when summer rolls around next year, the family will be all set to rake it in from the rubes.

PS: One order, please.

PPS: The last time BTKS featured a similar rotary slicer it had a price of over $500!

***UPDATE 12/4/24: What inflation? The link above no longer works, so here is a Tornado Potatoes Spiral Cutter French Fry Machine for even less! Cha-ching!

Tornado Potatoes Spiral Cutter French Fry Machine

Of Course There Is A Cronut Burger

The Cronut Burger from Le Dolci and Epic Burgers and Waffles

Surprise! It’s not from America!

For the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), two Toronto eateries — Le Dolci and Epic Burgers and Waffles — have decided to create this unholy alliance of part donut, part croissant and part burger. Thankfully, it will only be available between August 16 to September 2, 2013. And in Canada.

(Via Eater)

PolyScience Anti-Griddle

PolyScience AG30AC1B Anti-Griddle

Griddles are nice and all, but they do a lousy job when it comes time to chill things down. That’s probably for the best considering hot cakes are supposed to be hot and all. But when it is time to flip the switch and flash freeze some food, the freezer above the fridge just takes too long.

Enter the PolyScience Anti-Griddle.

With a surface temperature of -30°F (-34.4°C) the cold, cold gadget is capable of freezing food on contact. It’s made appearances on TV shows like Iron Chef and is now available to order for the home. Beware, it’s not cheap though; buying one will set you back well over a grand.

Frozen pancakes anyone?

Product Description:
PolyScience temperature control expertise goes well beyond Sous Vide and other methods of adding heat. We’re also experts at taking heat away quickly. The resulting flash freezing enables you to quickly turn sauces, purees, crèmes, vinaigrettes and other foods into very different solid or semi-frozen creations. Cool, creamy centers and crunchy surfaces can be created in just seconds with the PolyScience Anti-Griddle featuring a -30°F / -34.4ºC plate that allows rapid unidirectional freezing. The Anti-Griddle flash freezing technique, originally inspired by Chef Grant Achatz, allows you to easily prepare appealing dual-texture creations and explore an entirely new culinary realm. The possibilities are truly endless. Create frozen desserts and appetizers with cool, liquid centers. Combine flash frozen lollipops with a novel ingredient in place of traditional sticks. For example, a vanilla caramel ice cream lollipop on a rosemary sprig. Top salads with frozen vinaigrettes that melt on the plate when served. Adorn dishes with intricate frozen ornaments, easily transferred from the Anti-Griddle to the plate. Flash freeze tableside or at the buffet to provide guests with unique, personal and exciting dining experiences.

***UPDATE 10/8/14*** The link above is broken, so check out the Anti-Griddle directly at Polyscience.