Oh, It’s A Gas Station Hog Dog

Ketchup on a hot dog.

Somewhere in Arizona, there is a right field fence with a billboard advertising hot dogs. Normal enough, right? Hot dogs and baseball go quite well together. But this is a hot dog with ketchup on it. Now, baseball’s spring training is all about setting rosters and getting ready for the regular season, but I sure hope that hot dog doesn’t make the team.

If you’re watching spring training games on MLB Network, you’ll see it; talk about standing out like a sore thumb. A big ol’ hot dog with ketchup splashed on it. Eww. It’s as wrong as Barry Bonds.

The stadium billboard in right field advertises a brand I am unfamiliar with. QT, it said. Cryptic sounding. A QT hot dog. Was it real? Just what kind of hot dog purveyor would allow an advertisement of their product to have ketchup on it? Or catsup. Either way, hot dog aficionados would run the other way.

Further research was clearly necessary.

Oh, QT is QuickTrip. They are a gas station. That explains it. Perhaps it is more of a warning than an ad.

To be fair, QT supplies a toppings bar, so if you make your hot dog look like the one in their promos, you only have yourself to blame. But really, those guys need a new ad agency.

PS: Yes, I know some of you like ketchup on a hot dog. Sorry.
PPS: Not really. 😉

Pollos Hermanos Fry Batter Bucket

Pollos Hermanos Fry Batter Buckets

Fancy yourself a collector of odd food-related paraphernalia? The uber popular television show, Breaking Bad (“The best thing on television ever except maybe for The Wire” –Everybody), has wrapped and they are selling off some of the props. Yes, you can bid on Walter White’s Briefs but why would you want to? Perhaps instead, consider a Pollos Hermanos Fry Batter Bucket. The screen-used prop is guaranteed from Sony and for a starting bid of only $150, it could be yours. Fry batter and bullet holes not included.

***Update: These were items from Screenbid, an auction house that is now permanently closed.

Finally A French Fry Vending Machine (In Belgium)

French Fry Vending Machine

Good french fries are hard to find. And if you’re an American, they can be far away too. Like Western Europe far away. Now that’s not to say that awesome pommes frites, fritten or friet cannot be found here in the States, and we do have our share of duck fat-fried potatoes populating our landscape, but when it comes it fast and easy french fry action, we are stuck with fast-food (and no, McDonald’s fries are not awesome).

Belgium has three official languages (Dutch, French, and German) and with that trifecta of speech it should come as no surprise that fried potatoes are a big deal in that part of the world. So much so that they have French Fry Vending Machines.

Above is shown a French Fry Vending Machine in action in Chaussee de Gand Steenweg op Gent in Brussels, Belgium. Ninety seconds to fries. Only a few bucks. No squeaky voiced teen pretending to watch the fry basket. And yes, they are served with mayo (or ketchup).

Dunkin’ Donuts Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich

Dunkin’ Donuts Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich

The Dunkin’ Donuts Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich is coming in time for National Donut Day on Friday. Really, it is a wonder it took this long.

This savory and sweet breakfast treat, which consists of a fried egg and cherrywood-smoked bacon inside a split glazed yeast ring donut for 360 calories, will now be a permanent menu item at participating U.S. DD restaurants.

You can read all about it at Dunkin’ Donuts. (In case you were wondering, they suggest “the perfect beverage to go with the Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich is a cup of Dunkin’ Donuts Original Blend Coffee.”) But really, what more do you need to know? Bacon. Donut. Egg. Friday.

Ketchup And Mustard #10 Can Pumps

Pumps for Heinz #10 Jugs of Mustard & Ketchup. Set of 2. Great For Convenience Stores & Professional Food Service Areas.

Stop having convenience store jealousy. What convenience store jealousy you may ask? Why that would be the sense of condiment envy that one gets after being hypnotized by the endlessly spinning hot dogs by the register. All those condiments just waiting to be piled on…

Even though one can walk into their local Costco and pick up all the #10 cans of ketchup and mustard that they can haul, what to do with them in the home environment has always been a mystery. Until now.

Now, with a simple internet purchase and a trip to the big warehouse store, you too can have the convenience of the convenience store right in your own kitchen!

…Of course you’ll need one of these to go along with your new found condiment pride. (At least for the mustard can, that is.)

Pumps for Heinz #10 Jugs of Mustard & Ketchup. Set of 2. Great For Convenience Stores & Professional Food Service Areas.