Vel2Go is Nacho Cheese Sorcery Anytime Anywhere

VELVEETA Enters the Condiment Aisle with Launch of “Vel2Go” Packets

Marking the first single-serve offering from the brand, Vel2Go enables fans to add VELVEETA cheese to anything – anytime, anywhere

Velveeta did it. They made ooey gooey cheese into a condiment packet. Suddenly every secret menu in the nation has a new dimension. Yes you heard right: Vel2Go from Velveeta is a cheese packet that you can tuck in with your other mobile condiments such as ketchup, mustard, or those fantastic Flatiron Pepper to-go packets.

Better hurry though as these Velveeta Vel2Go portable cheese packets won’t be available for long. You can find them now at Walmart, but they are a limited release. So better stock up now — good thing they likely last forever!*

*Unlikely they actually last forever.

Support Your Local President

Select by Trump Skyscraper Coffee Single-Cup K-Cup Coffee

Eww gross. Trump K-Cup coffee exists.

Select by Trump Skyscraper Coffee Single-Cup Coffee

At least it’s not soup.

It’s from “Trump Marks Fine Foods LLC” in case you’re wondering. And here are a whole bunch of other Trump marks in case you’re hungry.

Which of course, you will be if you rely on Meals on Wheels or after-school programs for your children.

“We can’t spend money on programs just because they sound good. And Meals on Wheels sounds great — again, that’s a state decision to fund that particular portion to. But to take the federal money and give it to the states and say, look, we want to give you money for programs that don’t work — I can’t defend that anymore.”


“They’re supposed to help kids who don’t get fed at home get fed so they do better in school. Guess what? There’s no demonstrable evidence they’re actually doing that. There’s no demonstrable evidence of actually helping results, helping kids do better in school.”

–White House budget director Mick Mulvaney, press briefing, March 16, 2017

Thompson & Morgan’s TomTato Tomato Potato Plant

You say tomato, I say potato. Thompson & Morgan says TomTato.

What does it all mean? Well, as others have pointed out, this means that the TomTato is a ketchup and fries plant. It is a tomato plant grafted on to potato roots. It’s called the TomTato and it’s available from Thompson & Morgan.

It’s okay if you want to call the whole thing off.

(Via Foodbeast)

Twinkies Tell The Truth

Twinkies: "The Sweetest Comeback In The History Of Ever"

Twinkies are back and this time they mean it. It is being reported that the iconic snack cake will have a shelf life of 45 days. Hostess Brands recently went through reorganization and it appeared that the fabled snack was in trouble. But you can’t keep a good sponge cake down. Or let it expire.

Somehow, without changing much (or any) of the 37 ingredients that go into a Twinkie, the shelf life has been increased from 26 days to 45 days. The new Hostess company says they still won’t last forever, but… yeah, right.

To participate in “The Sweetest Comeback In The History Of Ever” just visit your local grocery store. Twinkies are set to reappear on July 15th.

Dogsbutter Is Peanut Butter For Dogs

Dogsbutter DOG for DOG Dogbutter Original Peanut Butter with Flaxseed for Dogs

Yup, peanut butter for dogs is a thing. Dogsbutter a specialized pet treat formulated for dogs. And actually, Dogbutter has been around a while. Note that it was subject to last year’s (2012) peanut butter recall. So, if you have been in the know about this doggie treat for a while, don’t pull any out from the back of the cupboard. And please, keep it away from the jelly.

The company, Dog For Dog actually has a whole bunch of products, including the Dogsbar as well as other varieties of Dogsbutter.

Dial Up Ripe Watermelons With Melon Meter

Melon Meter By Let There Be Light Innovations

Watermelon fans of the world rejoice! The Melon Meter lets iPhone users find ripe melons with their phone. Place the mic on the melon and give it a knock. The app analyzes the sound’s “decay signature” to determine ripeness. All sorts of juicy details follow below…

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