Toas-Tite Grill

Toas-Tite grill

Were hot pocket sandwiches better back in the 40s? Most likely they were, even though they didn’t have microwaves. Strike that. Especially because they didn’t have microwaves. Instead, they apparently used the Toas-Tite Grill to whip up a quick and hot filled sandwich. Just clamp and hold over an open flame (like a gas burner) and you’ve got yourself some old school quick eats.

Product Description:
The Toas-Tite is Back! The much loved Toas-Tite grill was produced from 1945-1953, and then it disappeared. We don’t know why. About a year ago, my sister and I came up with the crazy idea of making exact replicas of the Toas-Tite grill from the 1940s. WE DID IT!!!!!!!! After making hundreds of Toas-Tites on our new grills, we’re sure you will enjoy them as much as we do. Makes a Luscious Sealed-In Drip Proof Toas-Tite Sandwich. Start a family Tradition, The Kids will Love Them. From Fruit Pies to Tuna Melts – the possibilities are endless.

Cupless Coffee?

Grinds Coffee Pouches

First there was smokeless tobacco and now we have cupless coffee. Marketed as an alternative to chew for baseball players (and beyond), Grinds Coffee Pouches are exactly what they sound like. However instead of inserting them into a capsule coffeemaker they are inserted directly into the mouth. It looks like they have been around for awhile (at least one World Series ago judging from the World Champions SF Giants love on their website), but their relative obscurity doesn’t mean they won’t be a hit. Order up!

(Via Gizmodo)

Skybar Chill Cubes

Skybar Chill Cubes

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and when it comes to drinking, apparently many will toast to that. Just look at all these whiskey stones. Upping the ante (and the price) are the Skybar Chill Cubes. Not only do the reusable ice cubes come with a new and shiny stainless steel exterior, but the set also includes handy cube holders to keep by the side of your booze-filled glass. Better than chipping your teeth out when sipping.

(Via Oh Gizmo!)

Doctor Who Tardis Teapot

Doctor Who Tardis Teapot

There is nothing better than unlicensed handmade paraphernalia, especially when it comes to cultural items of the British Empire. The Doctor Who Tardis Teapot is a stoneware teapot formed into the shape of a blue police box. It might not travel through space and time like the Tardis from the BBC series Dr. Who, but it will get you through tea time just fine.

(Via Craziest Gadgets)

Bicycle Wine Rack

Bicycle Wine Rack

Wine is meant to be shared with others. And that means getting it to these ‘others.’ For the (apparently only on a men’s) bike-bound, the Bicycle Wine Rack looks to lend a hand. Just don’t slam on the brakes while cycling to your destination. Perhaps the whole shebang would slide forward and the wine bottle would stay nestled in the holder, or perhaps the inertia will carry the wine and bottle forward leaving the base holder behind. Perhaps the neck end would then twist so as to stall the bottle from smashing to the ground. Perhaps it would work. For $35 you can find out. Recommended for Two Buck Chuck.

Seeing (Cow) Spots In The Kitchen

Vinyl Farmyard Cow Spot Removable Wall Decal Stickers by Winston Brands

Cows are pretty recognizable creatures. They are big, slow and make milk. Another thing they got going on are spots. Lots and lots of spots. If one decides to decorate a kitchen with these Vinyl Farmyard Cow Spot Removable Wall Decal Stickers by Winston Brands nobody would ask what they were. Why perhaps, but certainly not what. Moo!