It’s a new year, which means resolutions (already broken since it’s the sixth) and turning over a new leaf. Also, January means cold weather, which really means there will not be much grilling going on. However, it’s all about the preparation for the upcoming grilling season.
Remember last year? That time you spilled your beer? It spilled onto the grill and you discovered a wonderful new marinade? Yeah, it doesn’t happen like that. More often than not, the coals get doused and the barbecue is ruined. So sad. Unless you have a grilling companion to watch over your beer.
The Fabulous Chef Metal Grilling Beer Bottle Holder
is sold out right now, but someday it will be ready to man the grill again. More importantly, this little guy will keep your beverage safely ensconced and out of harm’s way — or you can use it hold that fabulous marinade you discovered last year.