Got a sandwich that doesn’t mess around? (Actually being messy is probably okay, though.) Mezzetta, the pepper and olive people are sponsoring a recipe contest calling for killer sandwiches. Considering that peppers are most likely to be involved, these look to be some flavorful entries for sure. Click through to read the whole press release, including information on how to enter.
Continue reading Your $25,000 SandwichTag: olives
A Place To Put The Pits
When serving olives or cherries, the resulting pits can look a little too appetizing for some to pass up. While it may always be amusing to catch somebody about to try one of the fancy ‘nuts’, ultimately they are a party favor best kept out of sight.
The Pittoon Platter keeps gullible guests from being the butt of jokes as they attempt to sample the slowly growing pile of pits. The serving platter comes complete with a separate bowl designed specifically to hide discarded pits. Clearly labeled “PITSâ€, everyone will thankfully know what not to eat on the tray.
Make Your Own Stuffed Olives with the Olivator
Olives are great and all, but there is no reason why we can’t make them greater. As we all know, adding one food item to another only makes for a greater food item. Any items that have been wrapped in bacon or dipped in peanut butter are both good examples. Well bacon and peanut butter may be the kings of combination, but that doesn’t mean the little ol’ olive can’t get its due.
Continue reading Make Your Own Stuffed Olives with the Olivator