Happy Halloween!
Pro tip: Serve Witches’ Cauldron Soup with the recipe for Black Cat Cupcakes on the back of the card.
(In other words “any vegetable soup.”)
Happy Halloween!
Pro tip: Serve Witches’ Cauldron Soup with the recipe for Black Cat Cupcakes on the back of the card.
(In other words “any vegetable soup.”)
Don’t forget the furry ones when Santa Paws comes to visit. Check out these cupcakes for dogs available from Hammacher Schlemmer.
The Canine’s Culinary Christmas Cupcakes:
Crafted individually in a bakery specializing in dog treats, each cupcake is made from natural ingredients such as steel cut oats, peanut butter, and milk, and topped with a yogurt-based icing.
Wait a minute. There does not seem to be any kibbles and/or bits in that description. Actually, they sound pretty good. Hmm, perhaps these holiday-themed cupcakes won’t make it to the floor. Oh, wait. Coal. Never mind. Here, boy! Here, boy!
Happy holidays to all (Fido too)!
Well, not exactly. But the Wilton Beer Mug Icing Decorations are halfway there. Bake a cupcake, top it off with one of these neat little edible beer mugs and tell everybody that they are made with beer. Hey, if Jack in the Box can give us the Bacon Shake, why not? A beer cupcake would probably go quite well with a bacon-flavored milkshake…
Wow. It looks like the bar has been reset for nonsensical kitchen gadgets. As one who enjoys finding sprinkles strewn about the house days after a cupcake-decorating event, I’m not sure the Wilton Kids Topping Tornado would find much use in my household. Your experience however, may vary. Check it out in action below. (Annoying hum is them, not you.)
Apparently Food Channel didn’t get the memo from General Mills. Betty Crocker and Pillsbury have declared 2011 to be The Year of the Pie. And here Food Channel is touting cupcakes as a continuing trend. For shame.
Continue reading Food Channel Top Ten Dessert Trends. No Pie!