Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can Magnets

Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can Magnets

Soup can do a lot of things. It can nourish, it can cure the common cold (well, at least make a cold more tolerable), and it can do one other surprising thing: it can be art.

The Andy Warhol Campbell’s Soup Can Magnets might not be edible, but they sure can spice up the kitchen. Stick ’em on the fridge and show everybody how you support soup. Or art. Either way.

Chinese Dinner Party 1929 Stella Benson Block Print

1929 Print Chinese Dinner Party China Chop Sticks Kuaizi Table Wok Stella Benson - Relief Line-block Print

This seems like a good opportunity to open up a new category. Welcome to the first post filed under ‘Decorative,’ enjoy!

What we have above is a Chinese Dinner Party 1929 Wood Block Print By Stella Benson.

I took the opportunity to learn a little about Stella Benson. She was born in 1892 to a wealthy English family. During her lifetime she traveled and wrote. Apparently she also made wood blocks. She died of pneumonia at the age of forty in December 1933 at Hongay in the Vietnamese province of Tonkin. She left behind a catalog of works that include multiple novels and poetry collections. (Via Wikipedia, July 2, 2012.)

The print above comes from a seller specializing in paper goods. They have a bunch of Stella Benson’s works available for sale right now. They images capture a sense of what travel meant to her. The seller has priced these at around $35 each, which seems incredibly reasonable to me. So if you are looking for a way to spruce up the walls in a unique way, definitely check out the PeriodPaper Storefront on Amazon. Good stuff.

Ugly Pancake Contest

One ugly pancake from N. Shields at Saipancakes.

Now here’s a contest you can sink your teeth into. You have until Saturday, May 19th to enter the Ugly Pancake Contest from N. Shields at Saipancakes. The result must be edible and made of “mostly” pancake batter. The results will be judged by his 4-year-old son, so it’s probably safe to say the uglier the better. (Plus it is called an ugly pancake contest, after all.) Check out some of his decidedly non-ugly pancake variations like the ones below. Pancake art is alive and well.

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Retrosink: Nicknames Of The States Map

Nicknames of the States according to H.W. Hill & Co. Decatur Illinois sole manufacturer of Hill's hog ringers. Date Created/Published: c1884. Click on image to see a larger version.
Nicknames of the States according to H.W. Hill & Co. Decatur Illinois sole manufacturer of Hill’s hog ringers. Date Created/Published: c1884. Click on image to see a larger version.

Every cook loves pig. Every eater loves pig. As Homer Simpson learns, it is “some wonderful, magical animal!” (Check out more bacon-related Homer quotes).

Above find an old-timey map from 1884’s sole manufacturer of Hill’s hog ringers, H.W. Hill & Co. Decatur Illinois. And if you are looking for the subject matter, you can pick up some hog ringers here.

Continue reading Retrosink: Nicknames Of The States Map