Surprise! It’s not from America! For the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), two Toronto eateries — Le Dolci and Epic Burgers and Waffles — have decided to create this unholy alliance of part donut, part croissant and part burger. Thankfully, it will only be available between August 16 to September 2, 2013. And in Canada. (Via… Continue reading Of Course There Is A Cronut Burger
PolyScience Anti-Griddle
Griddles are nice and all, but they do a lousy job when it comes time to chill things down. That’s probably for the best considering hot cakes are supposed to be hot and all. But when it is time to flip the switch and flash freeze some food, the freezer above the fridge just takes… Continue reading PolyScience Anti-Griddle
What Is It?
Phew! Finally Friday and time to get a proper meal…
Steak Wrapping Paper
Give the gift of steak (paper)! Gift Couture Steak Wrapping Paper is a project currently funded on Kickstarter. This isn’t the company’s first time at the butcher (paper) shop either. Previously, Sarah Fay and Justin Colt, the brain trust behind the idea, has given the world…
Wine Tie Ties One On
Phew, TGIF! Time to tie one on! Sorry. Get it: Wine Tasting Hands Free Vintage Neck Tie Necktie Wineglass Holder Lanyard (Item #23907)
Yum, Jupiter!
Behold the Jupiter Structural Layer Cake from Cakecrumbs! The spherical cake was constructed using two hemispheres complete with delicious representations of rock, ice and liquid metallic hydrogen that are thought to inhabit the planet’s core. In cake speak, this translates to a core made of mudcake, surrounded by almond butter cake, surrounded by a tinted… Continue reading Yum, Jupiter!