Oh, It’s A Gas Station Hog Dog

Somewhere in Arizona, there is a right field fence with a billboard advertising hot dogs. Normal enough, right? Hot dogs and baseball go quite well together. But this is a hot dog with ketchup on it. Now, baseball’s spring training is all about setting rosters and getting ready for the regular season, but I sure… Continue reading Oh, It’s A Gas Station Hog Dog

Pollos Hermanos Fry Batter Bucket

Fancy yourself a collector of odd food-related paraphernalia? The uber popular television show, Breaking Bad (“The best thing on television ever except maybe for The Wire” –Everybody), has wrapped and they are selling off some of the props. Yes, you can bid on Walter White’s Briefs but why would you want to? Perhaps instead, consider… Continue reading Pollos Hermanos Fry Batter Bucket

Finally A French Fry Vending Machine (In Belgium)

Good french fries are hard to find. And if you’re an American, they can be far away too. Like Western Europe far away. Now that’s not to say that awesome pommes frites, fritten or friet cannot be found here in the States, and we do have our share of duck fat-fried potatoes populating our landscape,… Continue reading Finally A French Fry Vending Machine (In Belgium)

Dunkin’ Donuts Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich

The Dunkin’ Donuts Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich is coming in time for National Donut Day on Friday. Really, it is a wonder it took this long. This savory and sweet breakfast treat, which consists of a fried egg and cherrywood-smoked bacon inside a split glazed yeast ring donut for 360 calories, will now be a… Continue reading Dunkin’ Donuts Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich

Ketchup And Mustard #10 Can Pumps

Stop having convenience store jealousy. What convenience store jealousy you may ask? Why that would be the sense of condiment envy that one gets after being hypnotized by the endlessly spinning hot dogs by the register. All those condiments just waiting to be piled on… Even though one can walk into their local Costco and… Continue reading Ketchup And Mustard #10 Can Pumps