KitchenAid Spiralizer Spins Spiral Cuts To All

KitchenAid KSM1APC Spiralizer Attachment with Peel

Spiralizing has hit the big time. Now, the no-longer elusive spiral cut can be found lurking right out in the open on the kitchen countertop via an attachment for the popular KitchenAid stand mixer.

Attaching to the Power Hub, the KitchenAid KSM1APC Spiralizer Attachment with Peel beefs up the stand mixer’s arsenal while prettying up the results. Popular for making delicate and whimsical shapes out of veggies, spiralizers add an interesting texture to otherwise ordinary meals. The new number one best seller in mixer parts and accessories, the spiral cutter takes spiralizers from novelty item to legitimate prep tool.

Grilling Chef Metal Beer Bottle Holder

Fabulous Chef While Grilling Beer Bottle Holder plus a wine foil cutter and a wine bottle stopper

It’s a new year, which means resolutions (already broken since it’s the sixth) and turning over a new leaf. Also, January means cold weather, which really means there will not be much grilling going on. However, it’s all about the preparation for the upcoming grilling season.

Remember last year? That time you spilled your beer? It spilled onto the grill and you discovered a wonderful new marinade? Yeah, it doesn’t happen like that. More often than not, the coals get doused and the barbecue is ruined. So sad. Unless you have a grilling companion to watch over your beer.

The Fabulous Chef Metal Grilling Beer Bottle Holder is sold out right now, but someday it will be ready to man the grill again. More importantly, this little guy will keep your beverage safely ensconced and out of harm’s way — or you can use it hold that fabulous marinade you discovered last year.

Skeleton Hand Bones Oven Mitt

Skeleton Hand Bones Oven Mitt

Ah September, the weather finally starts to turn, the kids go back to school and Halloween. Wait. A month (or two) early, you say? Darn it. Well, in that case, here we have a Skeleton Hand Bones Oven Mitt.

It’s not quite a Halloween decoration, but it is a functional two-sided fun oven mitt that looks like a human x-ray bone scan. Pretty cool. Hands up, who is ready for Halloween?

Zipzicle Figures It Out: Neoprene Ice Pop Holder

Zipzicle Neoprene Ice Pop Holder

Somebody finally figured it out: ice is cold. While this is a good thing for making tasty treats on a hot summer day, actually holding the ice treat is a pain. A cold, numbing pain. Now, our fingers can be saved from the torture that is such pleasure for our mouths.

Zipzicle, makers of convenient, but necessarily revolutionary zip baggies to make freezer pops, have created the Zipzicle Neoprene Ice Pop Holder. Specially designed to fit their zip top bags, the ice pop holder makes it easy to make and eat delicious ice pop. This round of ice pops clearly goes to Zipzicles.

Q*bert With A Mohawk Or Freezer Pop Maker?

Ice Pop Maker Molds, Ice Pop Maker For Kids - Set of Four Sipper Ice Pop Maker BPA Free Popsicle Molds - Make 4 Juice Pops, Fruit Pops And More Inside Freezer - NO Mess Sipper Straw Base For Drinking Treats - 4 Piece

Either this is Q*bert with a mohawk or a clever addition to standard freezer pops. Considering only one of them has Q*bert’s famous orange color, these are more likely a set of Ice Pop Maker Molds With Sipper Straw Base. @!#?@! Oh well, still a pretty cool thing for a freezer pop mold to include — helps to keep those sticky fingers off the video game console.