The Press Release Recipe Done Right

Grace Young's Stir Fry Tips and Wok Summer Salad Recipe.

Ah, press releases with recipes. Two great tastes that taste great together. Or at least one great taste. Usually. In any event, the following press release pairs not only a recipe for Spicy Stir-Fried Chicken Salad, but it does so while offering a few tips for wok-cooking. Nicely done, Edgecraft, makers of the Chef’sChoice 1520 AngleSelect Diamond Hone Electric Knife Sharpener.

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Oblong Pan Is A Bit Wok, A Bit Saucier

Royal VKB Boomerang Wok

Pots and pans are as simple as it gets when it comes to cookware. Just make ‘em out of something that can stand up to the heat while not spilling ingredients all over the place. Sure, choice of materials used in construction can always be a factor, but generally speaking the same basic shape of an open-mouthed vessel usually applies.

Continue reading Oblong Pan Is A Bit Wok, A Bit Saucier

Beer Can Chicken Maker Makes More Than Chicken

Combination Vertical Roaster and Wok for beer can chicken on the grill

Beer can chicken making gadgets come in all shapes and sizes, but rarely do they double as anything else. Which is usually fine: the idea is to add a flavoring liquid of your choice (that’s right — gasp — it doesn’t have to be beer) and let it bubble up and permeate the meat while it is cooking. Results are tender, delicious and juicy.

Continue reading Beer Can Chicken Maker Makes More Than Chicken

It’s my (wok) party and I’ll cry if I want to

Mini Table Wokset

There is no way this Table Wokset is a good idea. The small, 4-centimeter tall (really?) mini-woks may look colorful and appealing, but in no way could perform like, you know, an actual wok. With such a small area to work with, ingredients can’t be moved around to different temperature zones. That doesn’t even begin to touch on the question whether this crazy contraption can even put out the heat necessary for the high heat cooking commonly associated with wok cooking. Most likely, this 6-serving party set would do little more than make individual bowls of slightly cooked vegetables. Which, all in all isn’t such a bad thing: add some broth and have a soup party. For about $90, you can find out.

Via Gizmodo

***UPDATE 8/15/2013***
Here is a link for a seller on Amazon:
BP 2973 Wok-Set (now defunct)

And here is the site of the manufacturer, Tristar:
Wokset 6 colored wok pans – Crepe and baking plate BP-2973

Tristar Wokset 6 colored wok pans - Crepe and baking plate BP-2973

Double bonus: Turns out the contraption can be used as a crepe pan. Thanks, Nicole!