The Press Release Recipe Done Right

Ah, press releases with recipes. Two great tastes that taste great together. Or at least one great taste. Usually. In any event, the following press release pairs not only a recipe for Spicy Stir-Fried Chicken Salad, but it does so while offering a few tips for wok-cooking. Nicely done, Edgecraft, makers of the Chef’sChoice 1520… Continue reading The Press Release Recipe Done Right

The loneliest gadget: The Ice Cream Cone Holder

Here’s a kitchen gadget that just won’t get much use. Oh sure, you’ll try to use it, but chances are it will simply sit unused on the counter top. However, if you think you can make ice cream cones faster than they can grab ‘em, then by all means check out the Chef’s Choice Ice… Continue reading The loneliest gadget: The Ice Cream Cone Holder