Beer can chicken making gadgets come in all shapes and sizes, but rarely do they double as anything else. Which is usually fine: the idea is to add a flavoring liquid of your choice (that’s right — gasp — it doesn’t have to be beer) and let it bubble up and permeate the meat while it is cooking. Results are tender, delicious and juicy.
Peanut butter and jelly not sweet enough for ya? Instead of topping it with sugar, try using cake instead of bread. Sure, good ol’ white bread might as well be made with sugar, but sometimes it’s best just to cut to the chase. The Cakewich from Fred & Friends is a silicone baking pan shaped to look like sliced bread. Bake, slice and fill with your favorite sweet treats. Just be forewarned if you have a penchant for chocolate cake… somehow I don’t think adding turkey will too well mimic a turkey on dark rye.
There is a battle going on in the kitchen: a struggle for dominance over food. The first strategy one must take when facing a formidable opponent such as chicken and potatoes is to divide and conquer. Together, the oh-so-delicious taste of potatoes cooked in chicken fat can overcome any defense one can muster. Therefore, they must be kept apart using a tool such as the Circulon Cook Great Look Great 12-inch Divided Skillet. Featuring a divider down the middle, the pan keeps food separated as it cooks—even though it all gets mixed up in the stomach anyways.
Whether you call them frankfurters or wieners, hot dogs offer something for everyone. Available in a multitude of varieties, meat in tube form continues to be a classic meal no matter where you may be from. Yet for all the different forms (and varying degrees of quality) sausages can take, the bun sadly is too often overlooked. The lowly bun is capable of so much more than being relegated to oddly-numbered packages smushed into the back of a grocer’s counter—especially when you bake your own.
The Americoat Nonstick 15″ x 6″ Hot Dog Bun Pan encourages hot dog buns to rise to their full potential. The raised ridges form indentations into the buns as they bake, in the process creating quick-access cutting guides. As all hot dog fans know, the quicker to the dog, the better. Pile the resulting dog high with condiments (no ketchup), and the perfect hot dog is finally completed in all its glory, from its chili-coated top to hearty bread bottom.
One of the most enjoyable food dilemmas out there is what to put on your pizza. While there are no incorrect answers (like putting ketchup on a hot dog), chances are that not everyone is going to side with your anchovy, pineapple and garlic preferences. Sure, you can make pizza with one half topped one way, and the other half topped another way, but then you only have half of a pizza the way you really want it. Wouldn’t you rather just have the whole pie the way you want it? Or better yet, four of ’em.
Okay, so this Pizza Pan Set is all about sharing and those four pies aren’t all going to one place (hopefully). No matter what you want on your pizza, with four pies in the oven, everybody is going to get a slice. If you’re lucky there may even be some of that anchovy special left over.
Moist, tender and flavorful chicken is the key allure of beer can chicken. The classic cooking technique has been a favorite of backyard grillers for quite some time. While I have a hard time believing that the concept is anything new, I’m pretty sure the trend of kitchen gear emulating the process is a relatively recent phenomenon. Be that as it may be, what is important is that with this high-quality pan, beer can chicken has officially moved from the backyard to the kitchen stove.