Star Wars Sushi

Star Wars Sushi by Japanese sushi chef, oki.
Star Wars Sushi by Japanese sushi chef, oki.

George Lucas is well known for capitalizing on the merchandising of his movie franchise, Star Wars. For those that think that he left no stone unturned in milking it for all it is worth, behold: Star Wars sushi! Not an officially-licensed product (yet), the creations by oki, a Japanese sushi chef blogging over at blogspot, are well done. Be sure to click the link above and check out his “Darth Vader Roll” as well as his “Carrot Darth Vader” from the source link below. The darkside never looked so delicious.

(Via Motley Food)

Brew To The Dark Side

Star Wars Vader's Dark Roast Coffee

Yes, Star Wars does coffee. The branding machine that is the Star Wars empire has decided to plaster their name on whole bean coffee. Oddly enough, considering the popularity of coffee and the quality of those dreaded prequels, this move might just ensure the longevity of the franchise. Get your Star Wars Vader’s Dark Roast Coffee over at ThinkGeek and remember to brew to full strength for maximum enjoyment while crushing the rebel alliance.

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Kick Up That Cocoa With Evil Marshmallows

Stay Puft Caffeinated Gourmet Marshmallows

Hot cocoa is a relatively benign drink. Warm, chocolately and sweet, it’s a nice occasional treat, but it doesn’t provide much of a kick. No surprise then, that people like to dress it up with marshmallows. Evil marshmallows.

The physical manifestation of Gozer aside, these are no normal marshmallows. Blessed Cursed Possessed with 100-mg of caffeine each, the marshmallows supply about the same kick as a cup of coffee. Delivered in a collectible rubbery box, Stay Puft Caffeinated Gourmet Marshmallows make it easy to stay alert through a long night of ghostbusting.

Star Wars Sandwich Cutters Use The Force

Star Wars Sandwich Cutters with Vintage-Style Tin

Just because George Lucas Jedi Mind Tricked us into believing that all things should be Star Wars doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. Sandwiches, for example: they taste better when given the Star Wars treatment; everybody knows this to be a fact. Now finally, after all these years (and unappetizing prequels), Star Wars is coming to a sandwich near you.

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Star Wars: Now In Pancake (And Cookie) Form

Star Warsâ„¢ Pancake Molds

If Star Wars and the NFL ever got together to make a baby, we’d all be doomed. The marketing machines behind both license-happy organizations would soon take over the world, branding everything from cookies to pancake molds. Oh, wait, it’s been done.

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This is the apron you are looking for (if you’re not George Lucas)

Come to the Dark Side Apron

Come to the dark side. We have cookies… — V

Really I don’t see that there really is a choice; everybody knows the dark side has the best cookies. Unless of course, the dark side is where George Lucas keeps his lawyers ready to pounce on any dubious unlicensed goods from Star, er, Stir Wars. Ol’ George may let the Come to the Dark Side Apron pass (just who exactly is ‘V’?), but just be extra careful when making a C-3PO shiny gold or R2-D2 short and squat version — droid is a registered trademark of LucasFilm.