You know that scene in Rocky when Sylvester Stallone drinks the raw eggs? Sure you do. If not, you can be reminded of it below. (Ewww… salmonella). I’m not sure if that’s what the makers of the Decodyne Egg Tea Infuser
had in mind when they designed this tea steeper, but that’s what it looks like. But remember, tea is much darker than raw egg protein slurry that Rocky drank — so you don’t have to look at the egg while drinking it!
Tag: movies
In The Future, All Apparel Is Taco Bell

Not only will Taco Bell rule the future landscape as predicted in Sylvester Stallone’s “Demolition Man,” but the restaurant chain will also reign over our fashion choices. And the future is now.
Above, we see the ever-so-elegant Taco Bell Rings, while below, no self-respecting individual would be caught outdoors without a proper Taco Bell Foam Hat. Luckily, both fashion must-haves are available today. And even better news, the Taco Bell merchandise has free shipping on orders of $100 or more. That way, you can stock up and make sure your crew looks as good as you do.

***Update 10/22/24: Here is the current Taco Bell merch store. The above “Live Mas” store no longer works.
(Via Foodiggity)
Star Wars R2-D2 Soy Sauce Bottle Holder Dispenser
R2-D2 has it good. Despite the occasional foray into battle, the little droid does pretty well for himself. He gets carted around in spaceships, has a big gold buddy and is down with a princess. However, like all droids, every once in a while he needs a tune up. As in an oil change. Little did we all know, but R2-D2 runs on delicious soy sauce.
The Star Wars R2-D2 Soy Sauce Bottle Holder Dispenser is a handy dandy condiment dispenser that measures about four inches tall (so the Jawas won’t find him). Luckily with or without the scavengers, R2-D2 is ready for service. Dinner service that is. Who knew back in the 70s that R2-D2 leaking oil would be delicious for your rice? Aside from George Lucas, that is.
Batman’s Booze: None For Affleck?

Not one, but two online petitions arose out of Warner Brother’s recent announcement that Ben Affleck would be playing Batman in an upcoming movie. This was after the White House petition was taken down. Dang, and you thought Michael Keaton was bad.
Anyway, Batman fans have had a rough go of it lately, so here is a Batman Flask to get you through the dark times ahead. Just think it could be worse: they could bring back Beetlejuice to star in the role.
Star Wars Darth Vader Valentine’s Day Cookie Jar
What better way to say “I love you” than as Darth Vader would say it?
“Fwoooh Haaaa. Fwoooh Haaaaa.”
Or maybe just say it with cookies. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Star Wars Gift Darth Vader Red Valentines Day Gift Head Kitchen Ceramic Candy Cookie Jar
(For those so inclined, here are more attempts to spell Darth Vader’s breathing.)
Take Disney’s Star Wars R2-D2 And C-3PO To Lunch
Now that Disney owns the Star Wars franchise, we will probably be seeing a bunch of new toys and collectables featuring the well-known characters — along with other characters under the massive Disney umbrella.
Expect to see forthcoming Star Wars merch with Space Mickey peeking out from behind some space rocks. Perhaps Princess Leia will find a home in Sleeping Beauty Castle. I wonder how they’ll work in poor Pluto…
As the Grand Marshals now and forever of any Main Street Electrical Parade, R2-D2 and C-3PO deserve their moment in the spotlight. The Star Wars – R2D2 & CP30 – New Tin Dome Lunch Box honors the mechanical men in a classic pre-Disney setting. There may not be any Disneyland park mascots on the lunchbox now, but just like how George Lucas re-invented the past, we should be seeing Captain EO flying in any time now…