Star Wars R2-D2 Soy Sauce Bottle Holder Dispenser

Star Wars R2-D2 Soy Sauce Bottle Holder Dispenser

R2-D2 has it good. Despite the occasional foray into battle, the little droid does pretty well for himself. He gets carted around in spaceships, has a big gold buddy and is down with a princess. However, like all droids, every once in a while he needs a tune up. As in an oil change. Little did we all know, but R2-D2 runs on delicious soy sauce.

The Star Wars R2-D2 Soy Sauce Bottle Holder Dispenser is a handy dandy condiment dispenser that measures about four inches tall (so the Jawas won’t find him). Luckily with or without the scavengers, R2-D2 is ready for service. Dinner service that is. Who knew back in the 70s that R2-D2 leaking oil would be delicious for your rice? Aside from George Lucas, that is.

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