A Crown Of Potato Chips For The Microwave

Ronco Chip-Tastic Microwave Potato Chip Maker

You want to eat potato chips and look good doing it, don’cha? Sure you do. And if not, the above potato chip maker/edible crown arrangement also makes fruit crisps. Just use the included slice-O-matic and pop the Ronco Chip-Tastic Microwave Potato Chip Maker into the microwave. Your great fashion sense will reward your waistline. Plus, since walking around with a crown of potato chips on your head is sure to become a new fad, people will look at you like a fashion icon. Or at least look at you.

Rapid Ramen Cooker

Rapid Ramen Cooker

They say we eat with our eyes first. But what happens when an otherwise delicious meal gets set down in front of us, only to realize that it’s been jammed into the wrong serving contrivance? If it’s a bowl of ramen, shoving that rectangle into a round bowl can only have crumbly, unappetizing results. It’s a wonder that anybody eats the stuff.

How has rectangle-ramen survived in a round-bowl-world for so long? Well, it’s no matter because the Rapid Ramen Cooker is here to save the day.

There is no great secret here to the Rapid Ramen bowl; it just happens to be a bowl designed to perfectly fit a packet of the dried noodles. No longer must we wade through a crumbled jumble of dried noodles. Just pop the noodle cake into the bowl, fill to the water line and nuke it for about 4 minutes. Thanks to the shape of the bowl, the result should be evenly cooked noodles without any hazardous sharp edges protruding out. See? It’s safe too!

Finally, eating ramen no longer must be like forcing a square peg into a round hole. Speaking of, it is also available as: 4-Family Pack Rapid Ramen Cookers. So, yes, even the black sheep of the family can join in the delicious, dried noodle fun!

One More Cup Of (Microwave) Coffee

One Cup Microwave Coffee Maker

Sometimes a pot of coffee isn’t enough. Problem is, coffee drinkers don’t really know that until they have hit the last drop. At that point a jittery conundrum reveals itself: make another pot or just do without? (Or run to the corner cafe.) Easing the decision-making process is the One Cup Microwave Coffee Maker. Just add ground coffee, drop it in a cup of water and nuke it. Soon enough that extra cup of coffee will emerge hot and steaming — and thanks to its small size it easily washes out for the next extra cup of coffee.

eCoupled Creates Packaging That Cooks

eCoupled wireless technology as seen on a Campbell's soup can at CES 2011.
Credit: Gizmodo

A few years ago I witnessed an eCoupled presentation of wireless power. While the underlying tech is nothing new, the execution is probably miles away from what Nikola Tesla imagined. For example, news coming out of CES 2011 — food that cooks directly in the packaging — and no, not in a microwave.

Continue reading eCoupled Creates Packaging That Cooks

Double The Interior Of Your Microwave

Helman Dual Microwave Stand DMW-83

Microwaves are fantastic devices, allowing for leftovers to be quickly and easily reheated. However, as efficient as the appliances may be, they aren’t too hot at heating more than one plate at a time. Most any microwave has room to spare when only one plate is placed inside of it, but as anybody who has suffered squished side dishes knows, all that space is usually better off left alone.

The Helman DMW-83 Dual Microwave Stand changes that by allowing two plates to be stacked together without any fear of a mash-up. The 3-inch tall stand doubles the usable interior of the microwave without adding a second oven. At a price of only $2.99, it seems a reasonable way to get more out of your microwave, Or, for the truly space-conscious individual, pick up a case of forty.

Safety First Applies Even To Microwave Bowls

Cool Touch Micro Bowl

Piping hot food straight from the microwave usually means piping hot dishware. Pop a bowl of soup in the mic, and when it’s done, the bowl could be too hot to touch. Solving this dilemma is the Cool Touch Micro Bowl. The three-piece design consists of a 17-ounce ceramic bowl and a finger-protecting plastic outer bowl; there’s even a lid included for storing leftovers. Just grab and go straight from the microwave.

Now if only everything could be covered with a protective material.