Shake Up The Fridge With Magnetic Spice Jars

Good Cooking Magnetic Spice Jars

There is a large metal box in your kitchen that (hopefully) doesn’t get hot or wet. As it so happens, this large food storage container also allows for storage on the outside. Yup, it’s the fridge we’re talking about here and magnetic spice jars to decorate its surface.

The Good Cooking Magnetic Spice Jars are an affordable spice storage solution. The little dispensers are mostly made of metal, so they do stick to each other as well as to the side of the fridge. Each one has a see-through lid and openings for pouring or shaking. When it comes time to use, just pluck one off of the refrigerator door and shake — assuming that one hasn’t been playing Tetris on the fridge and the one you want to use is buried at the bottom of a shape avalanche.

Screw-On Snack Spout Supports Sanitary Snacking

Snack Spout for Nut & Candy Jars

The holidays are here. The relatives are here. The snacks are out. And all those grubby fingers are touching everything! But lo and behold for the germaphobe there is a way to turn that frown upside down.

The Snack Spout for Nut & Candy Jars is an ingenious little gadget that turns an ordinary store-bought jar of nuts into a dispenser. Just screw on the gizmo and flip it over. Candy and nuts rain down into waiting hands with a simple turn of the knob. Now if they could just make one for the holiday dinner table!

Star Wars Darth Vader Valentine’s Day Cookie Jar

Star Wars Gift Darth Vader Red Valentines Day Gift Head Kitchen Ceramic Candy Cookie Jar

What better way to say “I love you” than as Darth Vader would say it?

“Fwoooh Haaaa. Fwoooh Haaaaa.”

Or maybe just say it with cookies. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Star Wars Gift Darth Vader Red Valentines Day Gift Head Kitchen Ceramic Candy Cookie Jar

(For those so inclined, here are more attempts to spell Darth Vader’s breathing.)

Re-purpose Mason Jars With Handy Lid

reCAP - Original Mason Jar Pour Cap

Mason jars are handy things, used for –believe it or not — much more than moonshine. They can be used to drink hooch and booze too! But if for some reason you wish to re-purpose a mason jar for some other socially-acceptable reason, like drinking water on the go, well it just so happens that the reCAP Original Mason Jar Pour Cap will allow you to do so. (At least that’s what you can tell everybody is in the jar.)

Portal Companion Cube Cookie Jar

Portal Companion Cube Cookie Jar

Thanks to Portal(s), the Companion Cube can be found everywhere now. There was even a Companion Cube sighting in NYC. However, while that may be all fine and good for fans of the video game, all that really matters is being able to find the Companion Cube where you most want it: on your kitchen countertop and filled with cookies. The Portal Companion Cube Cookie Jar measures seven-inches all around and will gladly accompany you through the house. Or the test chamber, as the case may be.

***UPDATE: The cookies are a lie. Product no longer available. Listen to the song instead.