Season’s Greetings!

Botskis Season's Greetings / Christmas Tree Bottle Tie - Plays Jingle Bells & Blinking LED

While it may be vacation time for some, others still have to show up at the office with a tie. But don’t worry: that doesn’t mean you have to wear the tie. For your next holiday party try the Botskis Season’s Greetings / Christmas Tree Bottle Tie – Plays Jingle Bells & Blinking LED on for size. It’s a lot more comfortable and enjoyable for all. Cheers and Season’s Greetings!

Chef’s Red Pot Wine Bottle Stopper

Chef's Red Pot Wine Bottle Stopper 20-455 by Epic Products

The holidays are all about family, friends and food. And of course, wine. Sharing a bottle (or three) with family and friends over food is a fine way to finish the year. But if your gathering can’t finish the bottle, don’t let it go to waste. Let the Chef’s Red Pot Wine Bottle Stopper seal in that holiday spirit. Or wine as the case may be.

Hostess Twinkies Bake Set With Pastry Bag & Recipe

Hostess Twinkies Bake Set with Pastry Bag & Recipe

The Great Twinkie Scare of 2012 was no laughing matter. Except of course, that it was. Jokes can be made about Twinkies never, ever, really going away due to their long shelf life. Or perhaps, one can chuckle at the thought of a Twinkie being grown because they are not really food. And then of course is the biggest myth of them all: that Twinkies are some sort of superfood.

In any event, just in case the iconic snack cake does ever disappear, the Hostess Twinkies Bake Set with Pastry Bag & Recipe Booklet will be there to help repopulate store shelves everywhere. Or at least eBay auctions.

WineStraws Are Wine Straws

The WineStraw is a wine straw.

Here come the holidays! You know what that means…. drinking! This Party Pack of 12 WineStraws will get you through the festivities with a bright smile. What the heck is a WineStraw, one might ask. So glad you asked. A WineStraw is a wine straw; that is all.

Look at it this way: now you can have something to talk awkwardly with your relatives about. And it won’t be because of your wine lips! Cheers!

Personalize Your Own BBQ Branding Iron

Personalized BBQ Branding Iron (1-3 Letters) by Texas Irons

Still looking for that perfect gift for the guy who has everything? The Personalized BBQ Branding Iron by Texas Irons is here to the rescue.

The branding iron can be personalized with 1-3 letters, making the monogrammed gift ideal for those that are hard to shop for. Of course, if they already have a monogrammed branding iron, you could always choose another letter combination. Or, better yet, buy two and have them spell out “mine.” That’ll be sure to start a debate over the grill, with everybody saying, “That’s mine!”

Waffle Tongs?

Norpro Waffle Tongs

Now I appreciate me some waffle tongs as much as the next guy, but I’m not sure they justify a ten dollar price tag. Now granted, I’m sure these Norpro Waffle Tongs work better than say, a sledgehammer, would for lifting waffles out of the waffle iron, but chances are there is another gadget or tool hanging about the kitchen that will do the job just as well.

But then again, might as well one pick up just in case — perhaps if its waffle-picking up duties are over exaggerated, it could be used as a hair clip instead!

Continue reading Waffle Tongs?