Hostess Twinkies Bake Set With Pastry Bag & Recipe

Hostess Twinkies Bake Set with Pastry Bag & Recipe

The Great Twinkie Scare of 2012 was no laughing matter. Except of course, that it was. Jokes can be made about Twinkies never, ever, really going away due to their long shelf life. Or perhaps, one can chuckle at the thought of a Twinkie being grown because they are not really food. And then of course is the biggest myth of them all: that Twinkies are some sort of superfood.

In any event, just in case the iconic snack cake does ever disappear, the Hostess Twinkies Bake Set with Pastry Bag & Recipe Booklet will be there to help repopulate store shelves everywhere. Or at least eBay auctions.

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