Superhero Aprons

Forget culinary school, all it takes to cook like a superhero is one of these made-to-order aprons. Handmade from Bethany Sew & Sew, an astounding amount of characters are all available to order. Nice! (Via Boing Boing)

Pasta Vision for those that do not see

The really cool superheroes have x-ray vision or heat-ray eyes, but there is another class of totally lame superheroes (or villains) that have bunk powers. However, Asbestos Man and Doctor Bong have nothing to fear from anybody who has Pasta Vision. Featuring a concealed heating element mounted in a cool-touch base, the pasta maker is… Continue reading Pasta Vision for those that do not see

No pizza is safe from Mario Batali pizza cutters

Okay, it’s official: Mario Batali truly is a superhero. Just take a look at that Mario Batali Pizza Knife. Only the purest of heart and clearest of mind can wield such a weapon tool. It even has his personal superhero logo plastered on it, so there can be no doubt as to whom it belongs.… Continue reading No pizza is safe from Mario Batali pizza cutters

Fingers rejoice: Mario Batali to the rescue!

Cheese graters come in many different shapes and sizes, but no matter which style you prefer it takes a certain nimbleness to navigate the end of a block of cheese. A shredded pile of deliciousness may be staring you in the face, but the question always remains what to do with the piece of cheese… Continue reading Fingers rejoice: Mario Batali to the rescue!