Measuring 29.5-inches by 19.5-inches, this X-Ray Kitchen Fridge Wall Sticker should fit nicely on your refrigerator door. Whether or not it is an accurate portrayal of the goods inside, well, that’s entirely up to you. In any event, the vinyl sticker is reusable, and part of a pretty cool looking set that features pieces appropriate for every room, from the bar to the living room, and yes, even to the bathroom.
Tag: fridge
Ding! Your wine is ready.
Cooking with wine is a great way to add depth of flavor to many dishes, however most chefs tend to at least wait until the wine is out of the bottle. If you’re into nuking (or toasting) your wine before it even has a chance to breathe, you may want to look elsewhere. While this Koolatron Countertop Wine Cellar may look for all the world like a cross between a microwave and a toaster oven, this small 6-bottle wine fridge has no plans on ringing in the New Year with a few bottles of overdone wine. (At least I think so; those buttons across the front could just as easily house a shade selector and one-touch popcorn control.)
(Via Appliancist)
Lurking leftovers lurk no more
We are in the eye of the leftover hurricane right now. With the turkey and cranberries finally absent from the dark recesses of the fridge, suspect foods in various states of freshness have finally become a thing of the past. But then, just when you thought it was safe to go back into the fridge, along comes more feasting.
The Swing Out Fridge Tray exposes those dark corners and does indeed make it safe again for the midnight munchies. With a revolving disc that slides out away from the base, the fridge tray gives easy access to whatever may be lurking in the back of the fridge. Employ this handy kitchen gadget and you’ll save yourself from any plastic-wrap or tinfoil surprises that may be uncovered some time in late January.
Light-activated Recording Can Fridge Guard confirms the refrigerator light really does turn off
The Recording Can Fridge Guard is an inconspicuous looking device capable of answering an age-old question: Does the refrigerator light really turn off when the door is closed? Simply record a message and stick it in the fridge. It is cleverly camouflaged as a cola can, so any fridge gnomes (I suspect) will not be distracted as they go about their light-turning-off duties. When the door is opened, and light hits the can, your message will play. Pretty simple stuff; if you don’t hear the can talking to itself when the door is closed, well then, the light is indeed off.
Of course, you could use the can to leave recorded shopping reminders or encouraging words for a dieter, but where’s the fun in that? I can’t think of any better way to make sure the light goes off other than opening and closing the door really, really fast.