So This Is Why Darth Vader Breathes Like That

Vader Gas Bottle Log Burner by doddieszoomer on
Vader Gas Bottle Log Burner by doddieszoomer on

No wonder his throat feels a little raspy. Hope he isn’t coming down with something. Say, like Jedi-itis.

However, if you’re feeling brave, you can try to replicate the Vader Gas Bottle Log Burner by following along with Instructables user doddieszoomer. Just make sure ol’ Darth doesn’t cough on you when finished.

(Via Technabob)

Wow, Icee Maker Gets 11 One-Star Reviews, Wee

WowWee ICEE Deluxe Slushy Machine

Above we see the WowWee ICEE Deluxe Slushy Machine. There are a couple of smiling kids pictured on the box. Chances are, they did not use this machine.

As of today, there are eleven one-star reviews. Not one review gives it more than one star. Ouch. Kinda makes me wanna try it… Or not.

When a product turns out to be this crap-tastic, it shows up under different names. For example: Wish Factory Icee Deluxe Slushy Machine. Looks to be the same thing, but this one has two stars. And here’s another one: Bring The Magic Of Icee Home With This Deluxe Icee Maker – Wish Factory Icee Deluxe Slushy Machine. No stars on that one. And a higher price to make it seem more attractive. Don’t fall for it.

Yet apparently, ICEE doesn’t have it on their official website. Whoops. Look out for those licenses ICEE! That polar bear must have been off surfing when they approved that one!

Top Cookie Edible Medals

Fred and Friends Top Cookie Cutters edible medals

Anybody can be a chomp with these Fred and Friends Top Cookie Cutters. The edible medals come three to a package and even include the ribbons (which are washable). Just roll out the dough, stamp the cookies, cut ’em and bake ’em. The results are three medals that say “Super,” “1” and “Champ.” Or, you could bake a new cookie each day to make sure you will always be chompion of the world!

Fred and Friends Top Cookie Cutters edible medals

Lekue Silicone Waffle Baker Mold Is Not A Monster

Lekue Silicone Waffle Baker Mold

Behold the amazing half-waffle, half-not-waffle thing!

There are two sides to every story, and now, there are finally two sides to a waffle. For all of eternity, waffles were created by pouring batter into a waffle iron. The lid would close and out would come a perfectly formed waffle with pockets on either side. The mad scientists at Lékué see things differently.

The Lekue Silicone Waffle Baker Mold is a silicone mold that is used to bake waffles in the oven. Pour batter in and bake. The result is like something out of a half baked monster movie. Except there’s nothing half-baked about this waffle maker baker. Half waffles maybe, but not half-baked.

Even Frankenstein’s monster was misunderstood. Perhaps in time, people will come to accept these weird waffles that only have pockets on one side. Until that far off sci-fi future date, we will have to learn how to live in this brave, new world of one-sided waffles.

Or just flip the waffles over since pockets are only useful on one side anyway.

Zipzicle Figures It Out: Neoprene Ice Pop Holder

Zipzicle Neoprene Ice Pop Holder

Somebody finally figured it out: ice is cold. While this is a good thing for making tasty treats on a hot summer day, actually holding the ice treat is a pain. A cold, numbing pain. Now, our fingers can be saved from the torture that is such pleasure for our mouths.

Zipzicle, makers of convenient, but necessarily revolutionary zip baggies to make freezer pops, have created the Zipzicle Neoprene Ice Pop Holder. Specially designed to fit their zip top bags, the ice pop holder makes it easy to make and eat delicious ice pop. This round of ice pops clearly goes to Zipzicles.

The Watermelon Keg Kit

The Watermelon Keg Kit by Final Touch

Watermelons. It’s not like the big, funny-looking fruit needs any more help to amuse us, but still, it doesn’t hurt to try. Especially if our amusement involves enjoying a tall, cool one.

Fill it with wine, fill it with booze, fill it with soda; The Watermelon Keg Kit plays no favorites. And when the watermelon tap turns into a party-pleasing fun drink dispenser, don’t forget to bust it out again in the fall when everything tastes like pumpkin anyway.