GoPro Meets Pizza Oven

Step one: Put a GoPro camera on pizza tongs.
Step Two: Make pizza.
Step Three: Share with the world and make everybody hungry. And dizzy. But mostly hungry.

This is what it looks like to have a view of the action inside your local pizza chain. I’m guessing it’s a Pizza Hut, but I got too hungry to focus on the pizza box. Or dizzy. Either way, pizza is in my future very soon. Happy weekend!

(Via That’s Nerdalicious)

Kitchen Craft Mexican Ceramic Taco Holder

Kitchen Craft Mexican Ceramic Taco Holder

Hooray for Taco Tuesday! Taco night (and day) means delicious food to be. Tacos are easy to make and can be filled with anything. The hardest part is deciding what to put in them. Therefore, tacos frequently get the ‘everything’ treatment: meat, cheese, tomato, onion, lettuce, hot sauce… wait. Who’s gonna hold the taco still while all that goodness gets piled in?

The Kitchen Craft Mexican Ceramic Taco Holder, that’s who. Or what, as the case may be. Either way, it’s not plastic and it’s very affordable. Considering Taco Tuesday rolls around once a week (at least…), the taco rack makes for a nice little kitchen helper at not a lot of cost.

Guitar Doorbell Or Guitdoorbell? Music Either Way!

The Guitar Doorbell -- Guit Doorbell mounts over door.

Do birds sing when you enter a room? No? Maybe you can settle for a little music to accompany your entrance. The Guitdoorbell is here to help. Hammacher calls it The Guitar Doorbell, but you can call it whatever you like — and tune it to match.

From the Hammacher Schlemmer description:

The included pitch pipe and chord chart are keyed to enable tuning to a chord that fits the day’s mood or a portal’s intended use, whether a major that welcomes expected company, a pensive minor seventh that “guards” a teen’s bedroom, or a complex diminished when anticipating an in-law that often arrives unannounced via a back door.

If you’re in Sacramento you can get it at The Guitar Workshop on 3248 J Street. Who knows what chord will accompany you as you walk through the door?

They say cooking can be like a symphony — install a Guitdoorbell over all the cupboards and find out!

Watermelon Slicer

Melon Cantaloupe Watermelon Stainless Steel Slicer Splitter Creates 12 Equal Slices

Watermelons can be imposing. I mean, they’re huge! But they can be beaten. Imagine a fight between a watermelon and a pumpkin or even a jack o’ lantern; I think we all know who would win. Take this Melon Cantaloupe Watermelon Stainless Steel Slicer Splitter for example: it is of the familiar push-down-to-slice variety, but huge enough to tackle a watermelon. Of course, just because it is a huge, gigantic slicer doesn’t mean it will work. It would appear a good deal of force is still necessary to push it through the great green monster — but at least it won’t be grinning at you mockingly while you try!

***UPDATE 9/9/15*** … and the watermelon wins! This thing is getting slammed in the reviews. About as hard as it must be to try to make this watermelon slicer actually work!

Tomato Slicer Slices Right Every Time

New Star Foodservice 39696 Commercial Tomato Slicer, 1/4-Inch

If you’re gonna slice tomatoes do it right. No not with knife skills, but with the New Star Foodservice 39696 Commercial Tomato Slicer, 1/4-Inch. Every slice a quarter of an inch, every time. Mmm, uniformity.

Designed for restaurants and food service establishments, there is no reason why you can’t pick up one to go with all your other countertop appliances. Cofeemaker? Check. Toaster? Check. Powerful tomato slicer? Check and mate!

Now if they could make something to produce consistent slices of bacon and lettuce for perfectly-sized BLTs each and every time.