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Author: Kitchen Gadgets Blog
Turkey And Gravy Leftovers Are Still Good, Right?
It is January, 2018. Happy New Year! And if you still have leftovers in the fridge maybe it’s time to move on. There are always other options to keep the holiday food season alive. Mmm, turkey and gravy potato chips!
Happy Halloween!
Pro tip: Serve Witches’ Cauldron Soup with the recipe for Black Cat Cupcakes on the back of the card.
(In other words “any vegetable soup.”)
Happy Father’s Day Spam
Happy Father’s Day Spam!
Potatoes — The Way Men Love Them
What, didn’t they have bacon in 1971?
Although, I cannot argue with a recipe containing potatoes, onion, butter and oil. I’ll just pretend it says bacon (or chicken) fat. Also bonus points for hash browns, not home fries.