Nothing says ‘I love you’ quite like a sharp cutting implement. Relationships require trust, right? Like, perhaps, the trust to order the pizza with the correct toppings. (Or, more importantly the trust to not order the pizza with the incorrect toppings, because anchovies do not equal love.) Knowing this, pizza places long ago came up with the idea of half-toppings. Really, just think how many relationships were saved with the concept. Yes, everybody can be happy. Now, if it’s a frozen pizza that’s another story… and it will need a pizza cutter regardless of what the toppings are.
One way to accomplish the pizza cutting is with the sharp Love Pizza Cutter
that promises pizza to be a ‘slice of love.’ If you are picking up one for your honey on Valentine’s Day, you’ll need a pizza to go with it. Have a romantic night in and pick up a pie, making sure, of course, to get the correct toppings! Let’s keep that ‘slice of love’ confined to the pizza.