The Shakoozie Shakoolie Original Shower Beer Koozie

Shakoolie - The Original Shower Beer Koozie by Shakoozie, LLC

Say that five times fast: “The Shakoozie Shakoolie Original Shower Beer Koozie.” Or better yet, sing it. In the shower. With a beer.

The product is the Shakoolie, the company is Shakoozie, LLC and you should accept no substitutes! Proof that there are solutions to all of mankind’s greatest issues, the Shakoolie is exactly what it sounds like it is: a shower koozie. And here you thought Velcro was just for shoes.

Product Description:

Want a Better Shower Beer? One night, we asked ourselves “what if you could just stick your beer to that shower wall?” It was glorious friends – one of those “aha” moments. We combined a simple foam koozie with industrial grade velcro to create shower beer awesomeness. Not only is your beer now hands free, it also stays ice cold in a steamy shower. Now, you’re probably thinking to yourself – “is it really that good?” Of course! The shower beer is the most relaxing thing on the planet. It’s great before going out. It’s great after work. Plus with Shakoolie, that hands free experience allows you to relax and enjoy your shower. We all love a good beer in the shower, and we’re just two guys who set out to make that experience better. So go ahead and pick up a Shakoolie today!

#SHOWERBEER - Shower Beer Holder for in Shower Use, Keeps Beer Cold and Hands Free
Brand: Shakoolie

Eat It Or Wear It (Don’t Eat It)

Fake Food Hatanaka

So the waffle tongs as hair clip idea didn’t seem to catch on. Hard to believe, but true. However, that doesn’t mean food and hair don’t have a future together. (Soup serving waiters, please close your ears.) As far as hair accessories go, those offered by Fake Food Hatanaka look the most delicious. Yup, wearing fake food in the hair is a thing in Japan. But don’t judge, plenty of us have walked around for a week with ketchup in the hair after a big food fight, right? Right?

(Via OhGizmo!)

Veterinary Scale Comments Leave Llama Not Amused

Salter Brecknell PS1000 Veterinary 1000lb Scale -- How much does a llama weigh?

Okay, so perhaps this scale for veterinarian use is a bit of stretch for a kitchen gadget blog, but the product picture is too hard to resist. (Plus, TGIF.) So if you came here looking for a kitchen scale, here is a nice, old one to look at. But if you need a vet scale, it’s hard to argue with a llama.

The Salter Brecknell PS1000 Veterinary 1000lb Scale is designed for use with (live) animals weighing up to one thousand pounds. And according to the comments on Amazon… well, just read for yourself:

From the picture in the product description, I thought that this would be able to fit on my counter, (and for the record what animal is that? Some type of weird mouse?)

Then of course, there are those with needs for a large, high capacity scale:

At first, I could weigh my sacrificial animals on a plain old bathroom scale, but that grew impractical when I needed to graduate from chickens to livestock.

Be careful what you weigh, though. The scale isn’t designed for everything:

Yes it will stand up to the test of weighing llama after llama, but as soon as you introduce alpacas to the scale, the cpu heats up considerably and discolors the white display area to an unsightly pinkish-brown.

There are more great comments to be read, including of course, the requisite your mama is so fat jokes. Good stuff.

Savora Oil Misters In Your Color

Savora Misto Oil Sprayer

Pump oil sprayers have become a standard accessory in the kitchen. Makes sense: they use no propellents and spray a fine mist of oil on whatever you point them at. However, while elegant, the contraptions have mostly lacked color. Or at least, the color of your choosing.

The Savora Misto Oil Sprayer is available in a variety of colors: Crimson Red, Indigo, Raven Purple, Persimmon, Passion Pink, Noir Black. So now, instead of repainting the kitchen to match, all you need is to choose your color. Whoever said it was difficult to accessorize? Now about that toaster…

Dogsbutter Is Peanut Butter For Dogs

Dogsbutter DOG for DOG Dogbutter Original Peanut Butter with Flaxseed for Dogs

Yup, peanut butter for dogs is a thing. Dogsbutter a specialized pet treat formulated for dogs. And actually, Dogbutter has been around a while. Note that it was subject to last year’s (2012) peanut butter recall. So, if you have been in the know about this doggie treat for a while, don’t pull any out from the back of the cupboard. And please, keep it away from the jelly.

The company, Dog For Dog actually has a whole bunch of products, including the Dogsbar as well as other varieties of Dogsbutter.