Damn kids won’t set my porch on fire this Halloween

Pumpkins must not mind being impaled by sharp objects. Around this time of year they do seem to always have that stupid grin on their faces. I’d say that’s proof positive that using the Pumpkin Pal Stake to illuminate the carcass jack-o’-lantern this Halloween is a-okay. Besides, using two AAA batteries won’t set the porch… Continue reading Damn kids won’t set my porch on fire this Halloween

Refrigerator light gnomes expand operations

Does the light really shut off when you close the ice chest door? Wait, there is no light inside the ice chest. That is, unless you have this Cooler Light from Taylor Gifts. Other than providing minutes of entertainment as the mystery of the cooler light is explored by opening and shutting the ice chest,… Continue reading Refrigerator light gnomes expand operations