Chef’n FreshForce Orange Juicer

Chef'n FreshForce Orange Juicer

Rooting around the kitchen junk drawer looking for the wrong tool for the right job is a habit that isn’t too difficult to break; hearing “don’t force it” can eventually sink the message home. Especially when “forcing it” results in a few too many messy situations.

Staring at the lemon and lime squeezer one too many times can lead one’s thoughts to what else it can be used for. Well, the Chef’n FreshForce Orange Juicer is here to say, “don’t force it.” The clever contraption picks up where the smaller citrus squeezer leaves off. With a larger hopper, the kitchen gadget is designed to handle juicing sliced oranges. Oh, and according to the product description it is “great for lemons, limes and small grapefruits too.”

Eat It Or Wear It (Don’t Eat It)

Fake Food Hatanaka

So the waffle tongs as hair clip idea didn’t seem to catch on. Hard to believe, but true. However, that doesn’t mean food and hair don’t have a future together. (Soup serving waiters, please close your ears.) As far as hair accessories go, those offered by Fake Food Hatanaka look the most delicious. Yup, wearing fake food in the hair is a thing in Japan. But don’t judge, plenty of us have walked around for a week with ketchup in the hair after a big food fight, right? Right?

(Via OhGizmo!)

Veterinary Scale Comments Leave Llama Not Amused

Salter Brecknell PS1000 Veterinary 1000lb Scale -- How much does a llama weigh?

Okay, so perhaps this scale for veterinarian use is a bit of stretch for a kitchen gadget blog, but the product picture is too hard to resist. (Plus, TGIF.) So if you came here looking for a kitchen scale, here is a nice, old one to look at. But if you need a vet scale, it’s hard to argue with a llama.

The Salter Brecknell PS1000 Veterinary 1000lb Scale is designed for use with (live) animals weighing up to one thousand pounds. And according to the comments on Amazon… well, just read for yourself:

From the picture in the product description, I thought that this would be able to fit on my counter, (and for the record what animal is that? Some type of weird mouse?)

Then of course, there are those with needs for a large, high capacity scale:

At first, I could weigh my sacrificial animals on a plain old bathroom scale, but that grew impractical when I needed to graduate from chickens to livestock.

Be careful what you weigh, though. The scale isn’t designed for everything:

Yes it will stand up to the test of weighing llama after llama, but as soon as you introduce alpacas to the scale, the cpu heats up considerably and discolors the white display area to an unsightly pinkish-brown.

There are more great comments to be read, including of course, the requisite your mama is so fat jokes. Good stuff.

Savora Oil Misters In Your Color

Savora Misto Oil Sprayer

Pump oil sprayers have become a standard accessory in the kitchen. Makes sense: they use no propellents and spray a fine mist of oil on whatever you point them at. However, while elegant, the contraptions have mostly lacked color. Or at least, the color of your choosing.

The Savora Misto Oil Sprayer is available in a variety of colors: Crimson Red, Indigo, Raven Purple, Persimmon, Passion Pink, Noir Black. So now, instead of repainting the kitchen to match, all you need is to choose your color. Whoever said it was difficult to accessorize? Now about that toaster…

Waffle Tongs?

Norpro Waffle Tongs

Now I appreciate me some waffle tongs as much as the next guy, but I’m not sure they justify a ten dollar price tag. Now granted, I’m sure these Norpro Waffle Tongs work better than say, a sledgehammer, would for lifting waffles out of the waffle iron, but chances are there is another gadget or tool hanging about the kitchen that will do the job just as well.

But then again, might as well one pick up just in case — perhaps if its waffle-picking up duties are over exaggerated, it could be used as a hair clip instead!

Continue reading Waffle Tongs?