When you’re in the market for a hot dog toaster, it’s important to keep it classy. Actually, it’s not very hard to do; what kitchen décor isn’t improved with the addition of a hot dog-making appliance? Why none, of course.
Simple to use, and great to gaze upon, the Nostalgia Electrics RHDT-700RETRO Pop-Up Hot Dog Toaster is an easy way to upgrade the kitchen. Such an important kitchen appliance may even increase your home’s value. At least by twenty bucks, which is all this classy appliance costs.
Product Description:
The Nostalgia Electrics Hot Dog Toaster is a fast, fun and convenient way to enjoy hot dogs. This unit holds up to two regular-sized hot dogs and two hot dog buns at one time. A fun way for guests of all ages to enjoy delicious hot dogs, the Nostalgia Electrics Hot Dog Toaster is perfect for entertaining, as well as a quick meal solution. Now cooking hot dogs is as simple as making toast!