Not bad!

Fall-apart tender after the turkey dripping removed. Yum!
It is January, 2018. Happy New Year! And if you still have leftovers in the fridge maybe it’s time to move on. There are always other options to keep the holiday food season alive. Mmm, turkey and gravy potato chips!
Gobbles the Turkey says Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! ‘Tis now the season to officially ’tis the season. With seasonings, of course.
Breaking news: Hot dogs still cannot fly!
A hovering helicopter dropped 955 hot dogs on the city’s aptly named HYPE Athletic Facilities Wednesday morning to mark the 95th anniversary of Detroit’s iconic American Coney Island restaurant.
Yup, they really did that. The above news was from The Detroit News and not, I repeat not, from the Cincinnati Enquirer. As god as my witness, at least they knew that turkey chili cannot fly!
via WKRP