Spud Buddies Potato Grill Thermometers

Spud Buddies Potato Grill Thermometers

When it comes to the grill, everybody has their favorite tips and tricks that they utilize to tell when a burger or steak is done. For some, it is a matter of waiting for the juices to bubble on a burger or using the touch-test for steak. But when it comes to other foods, knowing the tricks can get a bit tricky.

For grilled baked potatoes, the Spud Buddies Potato Grill Thermometers can take the guesswork out of when to pull them off the grill. Of course, there is the time-tested trick of just removing them when they explode, but the thermometers are probably a less messy option.

Baking Soda Holder Refrigerator Thermometer

Taylor Food Fresh Baking Soda Holder Refrigerator Thermometer

Trees that smell good are to cars as baking soda boxes are to refrigerators: every refrigerator has one. Just like the air freshener that dangles from the rear view mirror, an open box of baking soda serves the purpose of deodorizing the surroundings (but just without the weird, chemical smell). Chances are good there is one lurking in the back of your refrigerator right now. And chances are also good that the darn thing has been knocked over before, spilling baking soda everywhere.

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Lost In Time With A Programmable Fork

Cuisinart Programmable Digital Temperature Fork

Forks, by and large, are easy to operate, so by that thinking they must be due for a makeover. As fork-users have had it far too easy for far too long, it’s about time they were presented with something of a challenge.

Designed for use on the grill as a thermometer and a timer, the Cuisinart Programmable Digital Temperature Fork takes the guesswork out of grilling meats, poultry and seafood. (Assuming of course one has learned how to use it.) Set the temperature or desired doneness level and let the timer do all the heavy lifting. (Of numbers, that is; the fork still has to do the real lifting.) As for the forkophobes technophobes out there, used to the blinking 12:00 lifestyle, the fork may have a timer, but a clock is not incorporated!

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Perfect pasta with no repainting

The Perfect Pasta Timer from Hammacher Schlemmer

At some point, one gets tired of adorning the wall with strands of spaghetti. While there may be no better way to test the doneness of pasta known to man than to throw it against a wall to see if it sticks, there is at least a cleaner one. The Perfect Pasta Timer from Hammacher Schlemmer seeks to put an end to spaghetti-related repainting by providing an alternate means to measure the cooking time of pasta.

Pre-programmed with preferred cooking times for ten different pasta shapes, each with the option of al dente or regular, the timer makes it easy to get the results you want each and every time. As an added bonus, the timer is mounted on the end of a thermometer probe; no, not just to alert you when the water is hot enough to add pasta (a.k.a. rapidly boiling), but to give you something to grab onto while rooting around for it in a drawer.

Grillin’ in the rain

Taylor Weekend Warrior Waterproof Digital Thermometer

I’m not sure how useful the waterproof feature of this thermometer is but if you are of the type to constantly drop your thermometer into water or beer (oh ok, waterproof makes sense now), then this is the solution you were looking for.

The Taylor Weekend Warrior Waterproof Digital Thermometer is an easy-to-use handheld device that helps you to ensure doneness in all of your cooking endeavors. The backlit LCD screen is viewable in low light and the three-inch stainless steel probe records temperatures from -40 to 450 degrees F. An auto-off timer and a minimum/maximum temperature memory complete the feature set that may be attractive to the beer drinking weekend warriors among us.