There comes a time in every hot dog’s existence that it comes time to be eaten. Some enjoy a long, extended life, perpetually spinning on some Kwik-E-Mart hot dog rack. Others succumb to a fate where existence ends in a blink of an eye. Or, more specifically, the blink of hot dog eating contest champion Joey Chestnut’s eyes. Last year, the man ate 61 hot dogs and he holds the record for eating 69 hot dogs. He has won eight years in a row. That’s a lot of hot dogs!
It’s probably not a good idea to try to keep pace this Fourth of July — and I doubt many of you have 70 hot dogs for each person hanging out in the fridge — but there is a benefit (actually many) to eating hot dogs the good old fashioned way: hot dog buns!
Th Knox Hot Dog Steamer with 2 Bun Warmers is a home hot dog maker that also warms hot dog buns. The funny-looking kitchen gadget cooks a batch of six hot dogs in about eight minutes. That’s not fast enough to keep up with our nation’s hot dog champs, but consider that a good thing!
What?! They eat the buns too in these contests? Insanity. Please ignore the above and instead pretend there is a joke about cooking six hot dogs for only two buns.